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    BronxWench reacted to Desiderius Price in The Use of Profanity in Writing Sex Scenes   
    Counted… four orgasms in the last chapter I wrote.  Pretty rare to actually get curse words, or even anything sharply worded, in them.  Profanity’s kinda like a spice or flavoring, like garlic, cinnamon, or vanilla; a little bit goes a long ways.  (Though I do tend to overdo garlic, tend to switch “clove” => “bulb” when I add it in.)
  2. Like
    BronxWench reacted to none in The Use of Profanity in Writing Sex Scenes   
    Agreed. This is basically what I’m saying, summed up nicely.
    A good exercise people suffering from this problem can do to correct it is to pull a scenario out of the air (completely random), and write the sex scene without using any profanity whatsoever. After a while, it’ll become habit.
    Although I could probably supliment my own exercises with some basic forum posting study so that I’m not quoting posts from other threads when I’m trying to quote someone here (LOL!).
  3. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Desiderius Price in The Use of Profanity in Writing Sex Scenes   
    If a writer needs to advertise it’s a sex scene in order to be a “sex scene”, then I’d think something is lacking in the writing.  Now, in certain contexts, a “fuck me” or “bang me” might be indicative of a character’s personality, or maybe there’s a scenario the two (or more) are roleplaying.  (Though, I suppose you could have it be solo, somebody watching a B/C grade porn film.) 
    Now, in the sex scenes I write, if there’s profanity, something’s going seriously wrong for the characters, or a copper’s busting them.
  4. Like
    BronxWench reacted to none in The Use of Profanity in Writing Sex Scenes   
    There is a tendency among a lot of writers to rely on profanity when they're writing a sex scene. To the writer who does this, all sex scenes have to have profanity. Someone has to be screaming “fuck me” or something for the sex scene to be readable (according to the people who rely on it).
    Before you start writing your scene, here are some questions you should ask yourself:
    1.) Who are the characters in your scene? Is it in their personality or their diction to use that type of profanity, even in extreme situations? If not, then your characters won't actually be in the scene you write. Instead, it’ll be charicatures of your characters.
    2.) What was the build up to the scene you are writing? Was it two characters confessing their feelings in an intimate fashion, or was it just animal lust? The former sets into the story better with as little profanity as possible (preferably none). If it, for example, was an encounter in the backroom of a sex club, then feel free to go as heavy with profanity as you’d like because it sets into your story.
    These are just my opinions. Take them for whatever little they're worth.
  5. Thanks
    BronxWench got a reaction from GeorgeGlass in Category request: Turning Red   
    Here you go:  https://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/index.php?cat=2079   
  6. Haha
    BronxWench got a reaction from Wilde_Guess in Ugh, I just went and outlined a whole other story   
    Breeding season. nods wisely
  7. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from Wilde_Guess in Ugh, I just went and outlined a whole other story   
    I tend to post as I go, which might mean a serious wait for my next update if it’s not a one-shot.
  8. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from Wilde_Guess in Formatting problems with newlines/paragraphs   
    Same thing for me. MS Word works just fine for me, with almost no tweaking needed after I copy and paste.
  9. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Wilde_Guess in Formatting problems with newlines/paragraphs   
    Hi, all.
    For what it’s worth, I just copy and paste from MS Word into the AFF editor box.  Sometimes, I have to fix a paragraph here or there, but nothing like you’re going through.
    Good luck.
  10. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from Wilde_Guess in Tags and Review Emails?   
    That’s the sad truth, isn’t it?
    “Take this position for minimum wage, and we’ll move you up when there’s an opening.” But the opening never comes, or the manager’s kid gets tapped for it, and you get stuck at minimum wage, doing the work of two people because the manager’s kid isn’t actually going to do anything.
    Or you look at job listings, and they want five or more years experience for an entry level position that was advertised as no experience required. (My Elderspawn is beating their head against that wall at present.)
    And writing? If you’re talking fiction writing, the generally accepted wisdom is that most writers need a day job to pay the bills. You’ll never make a living as a writer of fiction unless you get very, very lucky. What you’re likely to find is those situation you referenced: Write us a few pieces for free, and we’ll get you a post where you get paid. Possibly. Unless we can figure out a way to get you to keep writing for free…
  11. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from Wilde_Guess in Tags and Review Emails?   
    I’m a native speaker of American English, with fluency in British English, and the remnants of the French I once spoke (although I’m crushing it in Duolingo). I read a smattering of Latin, and can muddle my way through reading basic things in Spanish, Italian, and German.
    Then again, I’m old enough to remember when a foreign language was taught as early as elementary school, along with music. (Never show me one of those plastic recorders—I still have flashbacks.)   
  12. Haha
    BronxWench got a reaction from Wilde_Guess in Tags and Review Emails?   
    Yes, that’s the correct thing. And you’ll find a few typos in the archive. One of these days, when manta doesn’t have any hellacious security fixes or codes updates going on, I’ll point them out to her for correction.  In the meantime, I’m treating them like Easter eggs, to see who actually notices the misspelled words.
  13. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from Wilde_Guess in Story posted in wrong forum   
    I moved the story to the correct category for you. (I also fixed the disclaimer and added story tags as well while I was there.)
  14. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from Deadman in Ugh, I just went and outlined a whole other story   
    Breeding season. nods wisely
  15. Haha
    BronxWench got a reaction from Desiderius Price in Ugh, I just went and outlined a whole other story   
    Breeding season. nods wisely
  16. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from Deadman in How do people make "profile status updates"?   
    I found this:  https://www.java.com/en/download/help/enable_browser.html
  17. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from Deadman in Ugh, I just went and outlined a whole other story   
    I tend to post as I go, which might mean a serious wait for my next update if it’s not a one-shot.
  18. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from Deadman in Ugh, I just went and outlined a whole other story   
    I tend to have a couple of WIPs going at one time. It’s just how my brain works, I think. I’ve never been good at the linear thing when it comes to writing.  
  19. Haha
    BronxWench reacted to GeorgeGlass in Ugh, I just went and outlined a whole other story   
    My plot bunnies are so fecund that I have to limit myself to having no more than twenty stories in progress at a time. 
  20. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from Deadman in How do people make "profile status updates"?   
    Yes, that’s default. What do you see for the top?

  21. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from Deadman in How do people make "profile status updates"?   
    What Forum theme are you using? It showed for me on the Dynamic theme as well, and I think it’s the default or Dynamic as our only options for the moment.
  22. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from Deadman in How do people make "profile status updates"?   
    Nope. On the Forum homepage, right above the latest status update, is the link:

    Then you type in your message and click “Submit.”

  23. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from Deadman in How do people make "profile status updates"?   
    You just click on the sentence that reads “What’s on your mind?” above the status updates, at the top of the column. That opens a window which will let you type in whatever you want, and lets you add emojis that will display when it’s read.
  24. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from Deadman in How often is the "Currently Reading" counter updated?   
    It’s been around for a while, but it’s easier now to use it.
  25. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from Deadman in How often is the "Currently Reading" counter updated?   
    The number reflects how many people have added the story to their Currently Reading field. So, unless or until they remove it, their number will remain. 
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