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    BronxWench reacted to Desiderius Price in Please, for the love of anything that you hold sacred, mind the words that come out o   
    Afraid that may be setting the bar way too high.
  2. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from JayDee in Finally read Apprentice and did my review replies. Now back to Hannibal for me!   
    Now why did this make me think of you, m’dear Clover?

  3. Haha
    BronxWench reacted to CloverReef in Finally read Apprentice and did my review replies. Now back to Hannibal for me!   
    @BronxWench oh good you found my house
  4. Haha
    BronxWench got a reaction from CloverReef in Finally read Apprentice and did my review replies. Now back to Hannibal for me!   
    Now why did this make me think of you, m’dear Clover?

  5. Like
  6. Haha
    BronxWench reacted to InvidiaRed in Weird dreams are weird. So you know you that dream where everyone wants to see your p   
    All I’m gonna say is if we find a black desert planet within a blue star system we call it bland and uninspired.
    As the official name

  7. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Desiderius Price in Weird dreams are weird. So you know you that dream where everyone wants to see your p   
    Sometimes a dream’s a good inspiration to a story.
  8. Like
    BronxWench reacted to CloverReef in That feeling when beta reader 1 says the stuff you have sounds good because she goes   
    When there’s a difference of opinion between betas, I always suggest you go with the beta who writes stuff or reads stuff closer to what you want to emulate. Or get a third person to be the tie breaker! 
  9. Sad
    BronxWench reacted to Anesor in So sleepy, but waiting for agency call back on vile slander...   
    I case it wasn’t clear, I have no children and I cannot even beat an egg.
  10. Sad
    BronxWench reacted to Anesor in So sleepy, but waiting for agency call back on vile slander...   
    More is clear, but no less infuriating. It’s the health care equivalent of an accusation that I beat my children. You can’t really disprove it and it will cost you a lot of money and hassle to even go through the motions to remove a problem that doesn’t exist. MAJOR disruption with my health problems. And the accusation already spread to another agency. And it will haunt us unless we blow thousands we don’t have.
    Bitch who made the accusation, did that after she was a no call no show over the weekend. (making us look worse as parting finger up)  The agency started an end run around us without even telling us. Not even counting the health strain which is already hitting HARD, this will cost thousands to ‘disprove’ as the disprovers make bigger profits if they believe the accusation. 
    BTW I had a nurse-practicioner visit yesterday for an unrelated reason and saw NO sign of any issue. The worker making the accusation has no nursing degree. just spite it seems.
    I wish I could sue. There isn’t enough penalties for slander like this. But the primary author is in a near minimum wage worker.
    Stress went from normal everyday 2 to 10, and I do NOT need this as I was trying to prep for NaNo
  11. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Desiderius Price in So sleepy, but waiting for agency call back on vile slander...   
    That the aide wanted to get out of her work by blaming the customer….geez.  I mean, I could understand car difficulties, illness, etc, if it were the first thing off their lips.
    I’d think some letters of appreciation/thanks to the people who helped you out here would likely do wonders     And cc’ing enough people so they’re in their personnel files for their next performance eval/raise would definitely set you apart!  Just an idea….
  12. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Anesor in So sleepy, but waiting for agency call back on vile slander...   
    This wasn’t a social worker but an aide, basically unskilled. as any nursing certs could get another job and she clearly doesn’t have a calling. The other agency (supervisor and aide) vouched against the slander as did the other aide from the same agency. So there was only the slanderer and the agency that believed someone who decided she did want to be blamed for no call no show 3 days. (we’re leaving the agency after sunday night’s shift if I can find out what I should do) That was after the 1st version they told their agency that they could not work over the weekend because they lost their phone and car not working- ALL WEEKEND, and none of their 4 teen+ kids had a phone or car to help.  This fast passed to the county overview, where it would follow my family and home forever. It seems to have worked out, but it was a miserable 48 hours where I could not sleep, eat right, write or work on my writing class… The social worker didn’t  act on the slander, did the footwork to expose the lie, she’s a peach.
    I like mine hard boiled with a little salt. And in many splendid things like greek egg-lemon soup and french toast.
  13. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Sinfulwolf in 5 more days until the Halloween Anthology will be up and running! Everyone is welcome   
    Oh good. I will likely not be done by the 20th… I’ve scrapped and restarted three times.
  14. Like
    BronxWench reacted to CloverReef in 5 more days until the Halloween Anthology will be up and running! Everyone is welcome   
    Well I cooould, and I’d liiiike to, but… I don’t really have a good reason not to, I just like the number twenty. It’s nice and round, don’t you think? 
  15. Like
    BronxWench reacted to JayDee in I’m begining to think I could do a flashfic for every AFF subdomain. Final Fantasy? E   
    Robots can bang each other and save time!
  16. Haha
    BronxWench reacted to InvidiaRed in I’m begining to think I could do a flashfic for every AFF subdomain. Final Fantasy? E   
    To be fair, The sooner AI is introduced to smut. The far likelier said AI goes from kill all organics to. Too hopelessly addicted to smut to be a serious threat.
    So in a roundabout way you are saving the world from a Terminator future. To a future where robots just want to bang everyone in sight forever.
  17. Like
    BronxWench reacted to JayDee in I’m begining to think I could do a flashfic for every AFF subdomain. Final Fantasy? E   
    If I started calling myself ‘The Asimov of smut’ many people would be obvlious to the dewey decimal reference and they’d assume I was getting kinky with robots. But that restraining order from Boston Dynamics was something completely different.
  18. Like
    BronxWench reacted to GeorgeGlass in I’m begining to think I could do a flashfic for every AFF subdomain. Final Fantasy? E   
    They say Isaac Asimov has at least one book in every category of the Dewey decimal system. So you could be the Asimov of smut.
  19. Like
  20. Like
    BronxWench reacted to JayDee in I’m begining to think I could do a flashfic for every AFF subdomain. Final Fantasy? E   
    To be fair, I think a few others have done it (without double checking I think Keith Inc may have done?)
    Well, something to think about anyway!
  21. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from InvidiaRed in I’m begining to think I could do a flashfic for every AFF subdomain. Final Fantasy? E   
    Yes! I completely agree! In fact, I challenge you to do a flashfic for each subdomain! 
  22. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from JayDee in I’m begining to think I could do a flashfic for every AFF subdomain. Final Fantasy? E   
    Yes! I completely agree! In fact, I challenge you to do a flashfic for each subdomain! 
  23. Like
    BronxWench reacted to pittwitch in I’m begining to think I could do a flashfic for every AFF subdomain. Final Fantasy? E   
    If there is anyone in this “world” who can do it, it is you JayDee!
  24. Thanks
  25. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from CloverReef in Happy Canadian Thanksgiving my lovely little humans!   
    Ooohhh, your holiday feast sounds remarkably like ours, which should not surprise me as much as it does.
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