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    BronxWench got a reaction from Anesor in My mind just boggled when the tags for the first chapter of a mashup story elsewhere   
    Lemme guess… AO3? They let you tag as freely as you want, with the end result that the tags become meaningless.
  2. Like
    BronxWench reacted to JayDee in My mind just boggled when the tags for the first chapter of a mashup story elsewhere   
    I’ve seen some stories like that on here, like every damn tag selected and it’s a drabble about Bobby-Jo getting some cheesecake with “LOL! MORE TO COME!” Like, what’s she gonna do? fuck the cheese cake?
  3. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from GeorgeGlass in So I’m wondering: When I finish my She-Ra and the Princesses of Power fanfic (God hel   
    I think sticking with the original She-Ra category is certainly the quickest solution.
  4. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Tcr in Well... That poor guardian angel just retired... That's a good seven I've gone throug   
    @JayDee: Yeah.  Didn't like the slow motion as the nose went for the concrete...  Worst part: snow pile to the left, to the right...  but I managed to get the one section with clear concrete…
    @CloverReef: Probably should...  I'm running out of angels...  I'm pretty sure they're just drafting them now...  Maybe I should stop wintering...  I hear California is nice this time of year...  lol.
  5. Like
    BronxWench reacted to CloverReef in Well... That poor guardian angel just retired... That's a good seven I've gone throug   
    I’m beginning to think you and winter just don’t get along. Jesus Christ, stop almost dying dude. 
  6. Like
    BronxWench reacted to JayDee in Well... That poor guardian angel just retired... That's a good seven I've gone throug   
    Damn, good thing you came through that ok. Could have been really nasty!
  7. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Tcr in Well... That poor guardian angel just retired... That's a good seven I've gone throug   
    Yeah.  Managed to turn my car enough to "glancing blow"...  So, another retired guardian angel...  I think they've got a support group just for my former ones...  lol.
  8. Haha
    BronxWench reacted to JayDee in Just googled myself because reasons. And I discovered someone else has adopted the na   
    I can’t believe somebody would do such a thing!
    formerly JayDee.
  9. Like
    BronxWench reacted to swirlingdoubt in Just googled myself because reasons. And I discovered someone else has adopted the na   
    Nooo, it’s good! If anyone gets mad at you say the other one did it.
    (sometimes I wish I didn’t have a unique birth name – google me and there I am)
  10. Like
  11. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Sinfulwolf in Just googled myself because reasons. And I discovered someone else has adopted the na   
    I’ve got this username around most sites, so I do get quite annoyed when someone else has taken it. I feel your pain!
  12. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Tcr in Just googled myself because reasons. And I discovered someone else has adopted the na   
    Not sure what to say to that...  At least, not comeback to be used against me a court of law....  Hmm...  You should be nice...  Build them a bonfire.  Keep them nice and warm...
  13. Like
  14. Like
    BronxWench reacted to InBrightestDay in So I’m over on Literotica reading this Erotic Horror story called “The Girl Next Door   
    Definitely not going to say my ending will be better than his or that I’m a better writer.  At best, we just write different stuff (I’ve never had motivation to write an erotic corruption story, while that’s literally every story he did).  In all honesty, I’m probably a significantly worse writer than he is.
    For the record, if you’re into that kind of thing (or if seeing bad things happen to female angels is a turn-on, as it is for many people) I’d highly recommend the story.
    I just have these weird emotional responses I wish I didn’t have, and honestly don’t fully understand.  I don’t know why “bad thing happens to female angel” is an Instant Sad Button for me; I’m sure I was supposed to write Lailah off as a villain who had to be defeated and not think about what happens to her afterward, but I couldn’t avoid worrying about it.  I’m not a normal person, that much is for sure.
    Wha...oh, you mean Detective Martinez’s badass moment.  Well, thank you.
    At the very least, we can get The Woman in the Statue up to Part Eight before the delay hits.  Of course, me not finishing it might be better for people who really liked Whore of Heaven as it originally was (I noticed @Mal visited the profile earlier, so my apologies if I ruined something he loved).
    It’s almost funny, to be honest.  When I was reading the story and it introduced the captured Lailah, I was like “No...this can’t really be happening...am I being trolled?”
    I hope the ending is satisfying when it finally arrives.  I don’t know that it will be, but I’m definitely trying my hardest.
  15. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Sinfulwolf in So I’m over on Literotica reading this Erotic Horror story called “The Girl Next Door   
    I may have to check it out, mostly cause I do enjoy erotic horror (even dabble in writing it a bit), and while I love corruption, I’m fairly picky with it. 
    Still, writer’s block happens, and I do hope you smash through it, cause I’m actually really excited to read a happy ending for the woman for once. 
  16. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Thundercloud in So I’m over on Literotica reading this Erotic Horror story called “The Girl Next Door   
    I think theory number 2 sounds quite plausible…

    About a possible writers block coming up. Try to don’t worry too much about it...it is a bit like having a bad cough where the cough can be triggered by you just had to cough (repeated for a couple of months). At the end of day us nonprofessional writers can do something completely different if it is hard to make progress since we don’t use our writing to get food on the table.

    I also think that some stories with happy endings require extra effort. In programming there are often jokes about 90% of code taking 90% of the time and the remaining 10% taking the other 90  % of the time. The same applies to quality writing where connecting the final plot points often take a surprising proportion of the total time. Speaking from experience it might seen like you hit a writers block when you are in middle of it but with hindsight you realize you were just making slow progress with a very important part of the story.
  17. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from InvidiaRed in Blurbs are turning out to be my kryptonite Dx   
    The job of the blurb is to get a potential reader to say, “Hey… hmmm...” and to look at the book’s summary—that one to two paragraph bit from the flyleaf or back of the book that clinches the sale.
    Your blurb got me interested enough to look at a summary (when you have one, of course!). I’d say it did its job, right there. 
  18. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from JayDee in Blurbs are turning out to be my kryptonite Dx   
    The job of the blurb is to get a potential reader to say, “Hey… hmmm...” and to look at the book’s summary—that one to two paragraph bit from the flyleaf or back of the book that clinches the sale.
    Your blurb got me interested enough to look at a summary (when you have one, of course!). I’d say it did its job, right there. 
  19. Like
    BronxWench reacted to InBrightestDay in Blurbs are turning out to be my kryptonite Dx   
    I don’t know if that’s a problem.  I had the summary/blurb for WitS be from Kevin’s PoV, but the story isn’t all from his perspective.
  20. Like
    BronxWench reacted to JayDee in Blurbs are turning out to be my kryptonite Dx   
    Is Mooncairn in New Jersey?
    ...I kid, I kid. It’s got some details about what’s happened, a bit of a hint to other than human elements and a kind of spooky final sentence. What’s not to like?
  21. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from JayDee in Blurbs are turning out to be my kryptonite Dx   
    Okay, I’m interested.
  22. Like
    BronxWench reacted to JayDee in Blurbs are turning out to be my kryptonite Dx   
    Found that post!
  23. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from JayDee in Blurbs are turning out to be my kryptonite Dx   
    Blurbs and summaries are everyone’s Kryptonite. I always apologize to my hapless editor whenever I have to write one. 
  24. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from JayDee in So I’m wondering: When I finish my She-Ra and the Princesses of Power fanfic (God hel   
    I think sticking with the original She-Ra category is certainly the quickest solution.
  25. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from InvidiaRed in Blurbs are turning out to be my kryptonite Dx   
    Blurbs and summaries are everyone’s Kryptonite. I always apologize to my hapless editor whenever I have to write one. 
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