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Archive Mod
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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Hi! One of the issues might be that your email client is Microsoft’s Hotmail. After the data breach last year, Microsoft made some changes and the end result is that our archive code doesn’t play well with Hotmail, Outlook, or Live.com email clients. We’ve had success doing a temporary change of email to a gmail account, which does work with our activation and reset confirmation emails. Once you have successfully reactivated the account, you can always change the email address back. If you want to try with a different email address, I would strongly recommend you send that to us via our staff email: tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org. Spambots can and do harvest email addresses from public forum boards, and no one likes spam emails. As far as the fields, the only one that’s particularly specific is the birthdate field. The format requires a 4-digit year, a 2-digit month, and a 2-digit day, all separated by dashes. As an example, if your birthday was July 11, 1986, you would enter that as 1986-07-11. Pen names and names now require an underscore between words, so you would enter your pen name as Teris_Xenite. I hope that helps!
  2. The first two stories have been moved to more appropriate categories. The disclaimers will be dealt with during the next sweep of the archive. The story request has been deleted. Thanks for pointing those out for us!
  3. WillowDarkling is correct. However, if you actually have a story and require the category, we can put in the request. I’ll add the caveat that our tech admin is working surreal hours in RL—80+ hours a week—so the implementation might take longer than normal.
  4. I’d need a bit more information, such as the account url, or the pen name at the very least. That way, I can identify the account and make sure the request is coming from the actual account owner.
  5. And if you’d like to read it here on AFF: Turning Out Harry by Breezy
  6. I’ll pass the forum deletion request to @Melrick for handling.
  7. Hi, Per your request, your account and all associated stories have been deleted. We wish you all the best, and be well!
  8. The very happiest of birthdays to WillowDarkling, my sweet Neko-baby! I’m wishing for only wonderful things for you this year! :hug: :party: :kittenmeow: :happykitten:

  9. Thank you! That was all I needed. The account and all content has been removed from the site. Wishing you all the best, and be well!
  10. If you give me the pen name, I can delete the account for you.
  11. I did get your email, and have responded. Let’s see if we can sort this out for you, and get you writing again.
  12. Are you still able to access the email address associated with your AFF archive account? It is a yahoo account, same as the forum account. If so, while I’m not aware of a specific issue with Yahoo like that with Microsoft’s various email clients, it may be a case of our email being sent to some email limbo. The reset email comes from anonymous@affnet.nexcess.net, so adding that to your address book helps keep our mail from getting sent to a junk folder. The other issue tends to be when members try to use a password generator. We only allow letters and/or numbers—no punctuation or special characters permitted, which password generators adore. We also require passwords to be between 8-12 characters long, and they are case sensitive. Anything that doesn’t meet those requirements causes the reset to fail, as does trying to reset with the same password. If none of the above is an issue, what has worked in the past is a temporary change of email address to a gmail account, which I can do for you. We seem to never have an issue resetting passwords for gmail users. Once the password is reset, and you have access to the account again, you can always restore your preferred email address. If you want to try using a gmail address to reset the password, I do ask that you email us at: tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org. I strongly advise against posting email addresses on an open forum. Spambots and other unsavory types harvest those.
  13. Unfortunately, once a story is deleted, it’s gone. I’m sorry—I know that’s not the answer you wanted to hear, but we don’t keep backups of the archive.
  14. This is the Chrome extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/set-character-encoding/bpojelgakakmcfmjfilgdlmhefphglae?hl=en After adding the extension, the encoding should be set to Windows-1252 to fix the black diamond issue.
  15. I moved this to the correct thread—it’s not a bug report. The archive doesn’t support graphical content like images, nor will it display urls as actual links. If the chart is comprised of text, there should be no issue. Now, from the point of view of an archive moderator, one of the things we find problematic is overly long author’s notes, or chapters that don’t contain actual story content, like tables of contents, or character descriptions. Those aren’t allowed, and we will warn members for that content, and hide the stories if the issue isn’t corrected. If the chart isn’t an essential component of the plotline, it might be better to have it posted here, on the forum. You can post something like that in the review reply thread for your story in the Fan Fiction section, under the right category for your story. The exception is any imagery with adult content. The forum moderator will remove anything like that so we don’t fall afoul of international laws regarding pornographic imagery. Without actually seeing the charts, I’m trying to cover all bases here, and hopefully I’m not missing the point entirely.
  16. Please bear with us. Our admin is the one who adds the new categories, and she is unfortunately working ridiculous hours despite the shutdowns here in the US. I’m sure she’ll get to adding categories as soon as she can, but in the meantime, posting the story under Misc TV Shows with the actual fandom in brackets in the summary would be fine. We can move the story once the category is created.
  17. I can delete the archive account for you, and you can send a PM to @Melrick to have the forum profile deleted.
  18. I’m just going to check a couple of things with you. Is your password between 8-12 letters and/or numbers long? Does it have any punctuation or special characters (those aren’t allowed in the archive passwords)? Did you remember to capitalize where needed? When I log in, because I jump between the moderator account and my personal account on the archive, I use a dropdown to choose my correct email address for the account I want to use. Can you see your email address in the dropdown? If so, highlight it and then type in the password in the correct field. Click “Log In” and it should work.
  19. My blog is moribund. I’m also avoiding FB and Twitter for the most part, except for sporadic bursts of marketing. It all feels so toxic lately, and I don’t need toxic right now.
  20. *dies laughing* Mpreg is shorthand for male pregnancy, otherwise known as “not another ass baby!”
  21. Honestly? By all rights, AO3 shouldn’t be hosting any adult content, because they aren’t an age-restricted site, and have no method in place to verify the age of a reader. What they DO have is a seriously deep-pocket not-for-profit backing them, and a team of lawyers who are exceedingly adept at obfuscation. I’m not saying anyone shouldn’t post there, but I will venture my opinion that if a legal issue arises over adult content, AO3 will throw the author—I’m sorry, “creator”—under the bus faster than a cartoon villain.
  22. Fetuses. One of the exceptions to the Latin plural rules in common usage. Aside from that, I agree that the likelihood of success is pretty much nil. Then again, people write mpreg stories, and that’s just as improbable, so who am I to get picky?
  23. I have no way of knowing who the author was, since the story was not removed by staff action as far as I can tell. I should also point out that if an author doesn’t make their email public, we will not give that information out. We respect our members’ privacy and keep that information completely confidential.
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