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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Personally, I love to get reviews like that. When I do, I'm delighted. I won't improve without knowing what works and what doesn't. I also don't have a beta reader, so I sometimes miss an error like a wrong tense (has/had) where spell check doesn't pick it up. Knowing about those little errors is also very helpful, so I can go in and fix them. Then again, I treat my writing seriously, so I welcome serious concrit. A publisher's editorial staff isn't there to pet authors and make them feel good, either. Me, I'd be delighted to have her input.
  2. I'm actually not denigrating anyone who chooses to follow the path of being a slave. However, at 56, I'm pretty sure that I know my limits, and it's not something I could offer. I do understand the strength of personality it requires, however, and I do know people who are exactly that, full of personality and spark. Having said that, I still believe that for many of our younger writers, there is a blurring of the roles, and an unwillingness to do the research. Hence this thread.
  3. Given the right person, I might very well have chosen to explore submission. I would, however, make a miserable slave. I can't offer the obedience required of a slave, It's just not part of my make-up.
  4. It is difficult to convey these relationships as a writer, but that's precisely why we need to be very aware of the sometimes subtle differences. The definition that a submissive has a "no" and a slave doesn't is an excellent quite summation. There's also the issue of trust. A submissive needs to have absolute trust in their dominant. There can be no quibbling with that. If you can't trust your dominant, if there's any sort of coercion or pressure to perform an act that the submissive is not comfortable performing, then the "no" has been violated. The contract is broken, and the dominant has failed to maintain trust.
  5. One of the things that drives me crazy is seeing a Master/slave relationship portrayed as Dominant/submissive. The two relationships are NOT interchangeable, at all. I'm going to post a link to a site that has probably one of the best explanations of the two terms, and I urge anyone who wants to write a real D/s relationship to read this. A Slave is Not a Submissive The author uses rather silly gender neutral pronouns, granted, but the definitions are superb.
  6. Back to the .php error for a moment, because my brain is strange and retrieves data at the oddest times, it may be that there are certain symbols used in your document, maybe in an author's note, that are translating as tags? I recall someone having everything cut off after incorporating <3 into her text, and it drove us nuts until we figured it out.
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