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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Pen Name: BronxWench Story Link: Hunting Elysium Review Replies: BronxWench's Review Replies - Original Fiction Prompts Used: All Type of Fic: FlashFic Rating: Adult+ Fandom: Books > Fairy Tales, Fables, Folklore, Legends, and Myth > Myths Warnings: AFFO, ChallengeFic, COMPLETE, MCD, Oneshot
  2. This is probably an area where we'll need to agree to disagree.
  3. Having combined a series of prompt-response oneshots into a single story, I had the opportunity to see all my reviews together for the first time, and I have to say, I'm delighted by the number of reviews that contained concrit. It was all valid, and I did take what was said to heart and tried to incorporate that into future prompt responses. Hopefully, I did grow as a writer. But that is indeed the issue. The concrit was balanced. There was comments on what did work as well as what could have worked better, or didn't work at all. When I can't find a single positive thing to say, or when I'm confronted by something that requires multiple attempts to make sense of a single sentence, I can't find anything positive to say beyond, "I'm so glad you were able to turn on your computer." I don't do polite lies, and if I couldn't get more than a paragraph into a story before I walk away, then I also feel no obligation to leave a review. What could I say, after all? "I read a paragraph of this story and was unable to continue." Anything further delves into the realm of being unnecessarily unkind, and as a member of the staff here, it is both inappropriate and inexcusable for me to leave such reviews.
  4. To be quite frank, I don't leave reviews on stories that I simply can't read. It's not because I don't care about the future of the written word. On the contrary, I'm in love with words, and have been all my life. I relish the interplay of language, and I delight in nuance and shading. Nothing makes me happier than to be transported elsewhere by a well written story. But... But if you don't care enough to run a simple spellcheck, if you prefer the sloppiness of text-speak, if you haven't the barest notion of how to use punctuation, if grammar is an elderly female relative good only for birthday handouts, NOTHING I say in a review is going to make you change. I've no desire to waste my time tilting at windmills. The best advice I can give to anyone who wants to improve as a writer is to read. You'll see some common themes in published books everywhere. They follow the basic rules of grammar. They use punctuation appropriately. They spell words correctly. They attribute dialogue in a way that lets me know who's speaking without having to read back three paragraphs. They don't broadcast a change of scene or change in point of view with a banner headline. They research, so you don't have a medieval monk checking his wristwatch. (Brownie points if you can name the play in which Shakespeare makes a similar error.)
  5. The daft bugger and I have been married for 21 years today. Imagine that! :D

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. BronxWench


      Thank you, everyone! 21 years, and we're still talking. It's astonishing! :D

      Melrick, I haven't actually killed him yet, but I really think I'd get off with time served if I did. :P

    3. phoeyay


      Yay! Congrats to you both :)

    4. BronxWench
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