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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. If you're using an older bookmark or link to reach the stories, what is happening is that the url isn't redirecting properly. We had a change in our domain name, and there have been some issues in getting things to seamlessly redirect. In the meantime, you can amend the url yourself. Look at the browser line when you go to read a story, and at the very beginning, if it reads: www2.adultfanfiction.net you can change that to: www2.adult-fanfiction.org Leave the rest of the url exactly as it is. This should take you to the proper story.
  2. Hi, Internet Explorer is most likely causing the problem. It is something we're aware of, but Microsoft is unlikely to fix the issue. The good news is that there is a workaround for the problem. Read this and follow the steps carefully. You may need to do this more than once, so you might want to bookmark that FAQ. It has screenshots to help you see what is supposed to happen. Try that, and it that doesn't work, let us know. The sad thing is that we're only seeing this happen in Internet Explorer. No other web browser is having an issue. I personally use Chrome, and the Firefox and Safari users I talk to aren't having trouble, either. Even Opera is fine.
  3. 26155
  4. 26153
  5. 26150
  6. 26146
  7. 26144
  8. 26142
  9. You can find more info on why her stories are gone here.
  10. It may be the forum skin you're using. I also use Chrome, latest version, with adblock plus disabled for AFF only. Checking the exact same section you sampled:
  11. We're aware, and as we get the new place all settled in, most of those will be fixed. Some avatars are beyond our control, however, and the source image as supplied by the member may have been moved or deleted.
  12. We are working on resolving the issues with redirects which are causing you to be sent to the verification page. The verification page itself cannot be eliminated at this time, but the new code, once completed, should allow us to do away with it.
  13. Congratulations!
  14. 26134
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  19. 26113
  20. Hi. There's a specific format: YYYY-MM-DD. That means if your birthday is June 6, 1994, you enter 1994-06-06. Hope that helps explain it.
  21. 26111
  22. 26100
  23. 26098
  24. 26092
  25. 26090
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