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Archive Mod
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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. I've not used it, but a fellow mod swears by it.
  2. 26564
  3. Scrivener has a free trial, and might be useful. It's worth a look!
  4. 26562
  5. 26560
  6. 26557
  7. 26555
  8. 26552
  9. Wonderful, and you can include that url on your archive profile, and let readers know to check your profile to find a link to meet the characters.
  10. 26548
  11. 26546
  12. 26539
  13. 26537
  14. If that reviewer does begin leaving irrelevant and needlessly harsh reviews again, please email us or post in the forums to let us know. Don't delete the reviews, because we do need to see them ourselves to verify whether or not they're flames. If they are, we will proceed appropriately because Rogue's absolutely right. We don't allow flaming, and chronic offenders will find their accounts deleted.
  15. We're in the process of revising the archive's code, and at the moment, what we recommend readers do is add the story to their author profile, as "Currently Reading" or "Recommended Reading." They can then store a link to that story for easy access. As the new code is written, tested and rolled out, new features may be incorporated, so as an author myself, we can all hope. One thing some of our authors do to open dialogue with readers is to offer Twitter/email updates or even maintain a Facebook or other social media site to let readers chat about the story. These are ways to connect with readers directly, and get some valuable feedback. Many people are shy about reviewing, because they feel they won't say anything relevant or interesting, and others don't like the recaptcha feature that keeps the archive free of spambots. But by finding a creative way to reach out to readers, you can often open a lively dialogue.
  16. 26532
  17. 26530
  18. 26528
  19. 26524
  20. 26522
  21. 26520
  22. Wicked, wicked Witch...
  23. 26518
  24. Oh, I'm sure Ainerin will show him just how wrong he is. And as a very selfish reader, I do so enjoy when Ainerin demands to be heard. She's one of the most memorable and enthralling women I've had the pleasure to encounter, much like her author.
  25. 26514
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