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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Hi, This is something that's been brought up, and we'll be considering this as part of the code rewrite project that's underway. One thing that you can do at the moment to search the shorter tags is to enclose them in quotation marks. "Inc" will yield search results while Inc will be considered invalid. I hope this helps!
  2. The first thing I look for (unsurprisingly) is the summary. I don't read a huge number of fandoms, and those I do read tend to lend themselves to serious amounts of plot mixed in with the erotica. I like plot as opposed to PWP. I both read and write slash and het. I'm not overly fond of femmeslash, but I will read it if it's well done, and not just an excuse to parade girls in strap-ons or futanari. And at the first sign of one female calling another her "ass-bitch" or "anal slut," i'm gone. Sorry, but I don't care for women who emulate the worse of male behavior. I don't like rape when it's presented as enjoyable, or an excuse for a character to decide to fall for their rapist. Really? I'd be much more likely to want to see the son of a bitch dead in a dozen really creative and hideously painful ways. I can accept rape as a plot device, I prefer it to be presented as the bad thing it is, and I certainly don't squeal with happiness when I encounter gang rape. Same thing with incest, for the most part, although I will happily make an exception for Elladan and Elrohir because that is just too delicious a bit of twincest to ignore. So what DO I like? I like characters that have flaws, characters that are complex and interesting, and plot. Lots of plot. I like women who aren't always beautiful, who don't have every man lapping at their feet, and who can take care of themselves for the most part. I like men who can look a woman in the eye, or who can have a relationship with another man without turning into a queen who cries during sex. (There is NO crying during sex.) That's a bit, anyway, of what I like.
  3. Don't you hate it when someone lands a plane on the highway? Honestly, it's not like I'm hogging their air space.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. pittwitch
    3. BronxWench


      Fortunately, the pilot and both passengers walked away, but honestly, the Major Deegan Expressway is a poor airfield.

  4. As you may or may not be aware, we do not permit anyone to request copies of stories via this search forum. If a story was taken down here by the author or by the staff, we expect you to respect the reasons behind the action. If the story is an offsite story, we would prefer not to have our forums used as a venue for the inappropriate distribution of an author's hard work, no matter where the story was originally published.
  5. For First Step: Thank you! I actually have seen some amazing hidden rooms in older houses out on Long Island, on the East End, which was my inspiration there, and being a paranoid car door locker, that part was easy. I may not have had Trey's reasons for being security conscious, but a little caution never hurts.
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