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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. From my own experience, I was never feeling anything like panic. It was often a bit giddy, in the best possible way. I like the idea of beginnings, and new starts, so I'm sort of predisposed to be eager. I wouldn't call it a rush, either, if it was beginning with some nice kissing and touching. It would be a slow build-up, a gradually increasing level of need and desire. Maybe there's a flicker of nervousness, but it's more on the line of, "Oh, I hope he likes me," and then it's gone as fast as it comes because I'd want to focus on the kisses, and touches.
  2. I imagine what a woman experiences is much the same as what a girl might experience, with less giggling, so I'm game. First kisses are fun, because you're sort of exploring each other. It's all new and fascinating, to discover the way the other person kisses. Do they thrust with their tongue, or is it a gentle sort of exploration? That sort of thing... As you kiss, you can feel a lovely tingling working its way through you. Nipples become more sensitive, and begin to peak a little. There's a warm feeling pooling low in your belly, and you might begin to experience a little wetness as your arousal grows. I'll assume hands are busy exploring as well, and those touches are going to intensify what you're feeling. Gentle teasing or rubbing of the nipples, hands tracing the curves of hips and buttocks, or wrapping around a slender waist... I don't imagine the gender of your partner is going to affect the way you feel as you grow aroused, but given that I have no interest in or desire to sleep with another woman, I can't help you there. But it's your story, and your fantasy, so I say go with it.
  3. 28525
  4. 28519
  5. 28517
  6. Hi, Once you've posted a story, you can't add tags via the dropdown box. You need to add them manually to the Summary field, or you can add a line at the top of the first chapter, labelled "Additional Warnings" or something along that line, and then add the missing tags. We have a FAQ on how to edit the Summary field here. You will need to use the arrow keys to move to the end of the Summary field to see the tags that are there already. This field only allows for 240 characters, so if you've already got that much in there, you won't be able to add more tags to the field. That means add them at the top of the chapter, as described above.
  7. 28515
  8. 28513
  9. 28510
  10. 28508
  11. Please note that you are being held to the same standard as every other author on this site. You are not being asked to do anything different. If you believe that you deserve special treatment, I suggest you take the time to read your very childish rant above, and consider why anyone who behaves like that should be permitted to maintain an account on a site that is for adults.
  12. For The Scapegoat: Thank you! I know you've been busy, so the fact that you read my little story is marvelous. It is a sort of steampunk world, and full of a great deal of strangeness, the kind of place only an author can love. No one's very nice, but they're growing on me. I hadn't quite twigged to the netizen aspects of the "Tehs" name, although it was an ironic homage to my own inability to type certain days. However, given the nature of the world itself, that aspect might work all on its own. Imagine a steampunk web...
  13. Is your password at least 8 characters long? And please remember that you must use letters and numbers only. Passwords are also case sensitive, so if you use a capital letter in the password, you will always have to capitalize that letter.
  14. I think I have just found an exception to my rule...
  15. I think Coyote makes some very good points, although I will admit that I do try not to make fun of men. I'm devoutly het, despite a penchant for writing slash, and on the whole I quite enjoy men. I'm also willing to laugh at myself just as quickly, and try not to treat one gender as superior. But on the whole, I think any intelligent reader wants a little character development, unless you're just in one of those PWP moods. Otherwise, it's like being a little kid again, and vowing that when you grow up, you'll have dessert for dinner every night. After a while, it starts to get boring, and frankly unappealing. And I stand by my assertion that fruit should not be used to describe a woman's anatomy.
  16. For The Scapegoat: Thank you so much! It was actually fun to write, once I figured out where the cabriolet fit in. The rest was simple. I have a feeling I might go back to this world again. It's one that's been growing quietly in my head, and I think it might deserve a deeper look at some point. It's not a pleasant little place, but it has its charms. Thank you again! If I managed to entertain, I've done my job.
  17. You can reset your archive password here: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/reset.php Do not use the old password, or you will blank the field and need to reset again.
  18. You can now reset your own password: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/reset.php Do not use your old password, or it will blank the field, and you'll need to reset yet again.
  19. 28506
  20. I think the primal fears are the scariest, those things we can never shed no matter how old we get, or how rational we think we are. It's much more terrifying than all the gratuitous gore in the world.
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