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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. I remember the first two digits you dialed were actually letters that referred to the local exchange here in NYC. I lived in TRafalgar. I was also the envy of my friends when my dad put a princess phone IN my room, because he was tired of my hiding in the closet to talk on the phone (Yes, children, people actually did that in real life.)
  2. I grew up in the days of reel-to-reel tape players and black and white television. For some reason, I decided I loved the new technology as it emerged, and became an avid collector of tech toys. Fortunately, my daft bugger is as big a geek, and we've raised geek children as well.
  3. I will second what DG said. My dad received the most incredible care from the hospice nurses and caregivers, both at home and at the hospice itself for the last three days of his life. Their caring extended very much to all of us who were left behind, and I am so very grateful for all they did to ease our pain, and to give my dad the passing with dignity that he wanted so very much. To this day, I have these lovely little prayer beads they gave me hanging on my desk, my touchstone and reminder that life is meant to be celebrated, and that those we love live on in our hearts and memories.
  4. If you look at your story where it shows up in the "Latest Stories" page, you'll see the stats listed after the story summary. You'll see the current hits on the story, the number of reviews, and the ratings: These stats used to appear on the listing of stories on your profile as well. Right now, it's not appearing there, but we hope to have that back as the rewrite progresses. In the meantime, although you can't edit the information there, you can still see the information in the old profile format like DG and JayDee explained above. Just copy that last number in your profile url and paste it over the one in DG's link, or JayDee's link, and you should see something like this: The stats show up there nicely.
  5. Given the limitations of the Summary Field currently, many authors don't use the "m/m" or "m/f" tags in a subdomain where we have the categories available for "Het" or "Slash - Male/Male." It gives the authors that slight increase in size for the actual summary as opposed to it being no more than a list of tags. As part of the code rewrite, it's my understanding that the tags will have a separate field, which should allow authors to write a clearer summary if they wish. This would make it easier to search by specific tags, if I'm not mistaken. I'm not a coder, however, so we'll have to see how it develops.
  6. Damned close! Just put the beard on a very ancient red dragon, and we're good!
  7. BronxWench

    Inuyasha fic

    I've moved your topic to the InuYasha search thread. You'll get more of a response here.
  8. I'm generally a most moderate person, but I have limits. If you want reasonable discourse, steer clear of muddying the waters. I was perfectly willing to listen quietly until you began to define your point of view with your gender (irrelevant), sexual orientation (irrelevant), and marital status (irrelevant). Tossing in the reference to Christianity was just icing on the cake, because this nation, while founded on an acknowledgement of certain Christian principles, was also crafted by Unitarians and Universalists, and a few Roman Catholics as well.
  9. You actually have to read not only the Declaration of Independence, but the full Constitution and the letters and essays of the framers to truly understand this marvelous experiment they conceived. I say that as someone who had an ancestor sign the Declaration of Independence, and who leans towards a Jeffersonian point of view when it comes to the body politic. I've also read a great deal of ancient history, because nothing, my dears, is ever that new.
  10. No, for Celebrity fiction, we have different disclaimer requirements, since by virtue of being celebrities, they put themselves out there, so to speak. For lesser known YouTube stars, I'd still ask for their personal permission.
  11. "I hold it, that a little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical." Thomas Jefferson in a letter to James Madison (30 January 1787) Do not interpret that as a blessing for the immediate distribution of weaponry to a populace that can't manage to hold reasonable discourse on any subject without obscuring the issue with irrelevant considerations. Unless, of course, you truly believe that only people who are male, straight, and in a heterosexual marriage have rights? That statement, in and of itself, shows a marked lack of respect, sir, given that a number of participants in this discussion are female. Not all of us are Christian, either.
  12. No, we prefer email as well, actually, and we wouldn't need that information unless the story is written and posted. We're quite good about privacy issues ourselves.
  13. Stories based on any real persons require written permission from those persons. Please keep that in mind, and your buddy could not provide permission for himself and his wife. Her permission would need to be sent from her own email address. I refer you to the suggested disclaimers for Original fiction and non-fiction here.
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