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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Brilliant! That's it! Thank you!
  2. Both as a reader and as a writer, I love plot. I love characters who make me want to get to know more about them, and I love seeing them develop over the course of a story. As a general rule, I like to have the sex arrive when the characters are ready for it, and if that means waiting for the sexy bits, I'm fine with that. I know that when it comes, it won't be a bit of gratuitous porn without plot thrown in there just to get the reader to wank.
  3. 29404
  4. 29402
  5. 29399
  6. Okay. First, we need to have you move the story to the Marvel 'Verse subdomain, then, since Comics is for DC 'Verse only. Upload a copy to Marvel 'Verse, and I can have our tech admin move the hit count and ratings data over to the new subdomain. Then we'll delete the misplaced version. Second, I always recommend adding anything you think you'll need in the disclaimer at the start. You only need that disclaimer in the first chapter, and this way you don't have to think about editing it, unless you decide partway through to go in an unplanned direction. But I'd add BtVS for sure now.
  7. 29397
  8. Okay, so for now, it's only the Xmen you're using? Will you be using other comic universes, such as any of the DC fandoms? I'm asking because the Xmen have their own subdomain - Marvel 'Verse. For crossover fictions, we use the fandom where the story takes place as the way to determine the correct subdomain for placement, so if this story will occur in the setting of the Xmen comics, it belongs in the Marvel 'Verse subdomain. Aside from that, it's perfect. I just need to clarify placement.
  9. 29394
  10. 29391
  11. To be very honest, I tend to text in full words, and with proper punctuation. I have no patience with trying to puzzle out a series of abbreviations and acronyms, and I'll just ignore the message if it's that incomprehensible.
  12. 29388
  13. 29386
  14. Hi, and welcome! We have an entire thread of FAQ topics that address pretty much everything you've asked: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/forum/114-faqs/ Specifically, how to add stories and writers to your profile: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/29616-how-to-use-the-new-recommended-authors/ and http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/29596-how-to-use-the-new-recommended-reading/ Updating your profile is easy; http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/forum/790-profile-how-tos/ As far as not having your email appear in reviews while you're not logged in, that field is a text field. Instead of entering your email address, just type "Private" and that's what will appear. We're in the middle of a code rewrite project, and we're rolling things out in stages to avoid crashing the site. As we update code, we make announcements and update our FAQ threads as well, so stay tuned. Site news appears here in the forums as well as in the archive itself. But if all else fails, you can email us at one of the contact emails provided in the archive under Info and Support, or leave a post here: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/forum/781-general-staff-questions/
  15. I came of age in the early 70s, so this is sort of my era. Of course, I try to stay fresh, which leads to all sorts of silliness...
  16. "Suffragette City" - David Bowie "Be My Lover" - Alice Cooper "Satellite of Love" - Lou Reed
  17. 29383
  18. Oh, dear, I hadn't meant to be obscure or to disapprove. By fandom, I mean the actual comic title, or movie title, or cartoon title. For example, the comic title "The Justice League" would be a fandom. Think in terms of the categories listed under each subcategory in Comics. "Batman" is both a fandom and a character, but as long as you don't limit it to the character, it covers the entire Batman setting, canon, and other characters that Batman would interact with, such as Robin, or Alfred. Jean Grey is part of the Xmen, so disclaiming ownership of Xmen covers, once again, all of the characters, settings and canon for that 'verse. So, a good disclaimer might read, for example: "I do not own Xmen, The Justice League, Batman, Superman, or The Avengers, and I make no profit." I hope this is less confusing.
  19. 29377
  20. What we generally look for is the actual names of the fandoms, for example, Batman or Justice League, as opposed to naming the publishers or simply the characters used. We are fine with a fairly simple construction: I do not own [insert name(s) of fandom(s)] and I make no profit.
  21. 29375
  22. 29372
  23. Glad to help!
  24. I think the issue might be that you're entering the new password in the section for changing your email address. Just below that is the section where you can enter your current password (the jumble of letters and numbers you received) and then the new password you prefer, and confirming the new password below.
  25. Everything. I see a person, or someone makes a gesture, and it sets off a story in my head. The light from my terrace at the end of the day, the hawks setting up housekeeping down the street, or just the color of someone's dress. I have no end of inspiration. I just need to wait for it to gel into a story, and then hide somewhere and write an outline.
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