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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Some people use the Promote a Story thread. Forum members can follow a thread, and will get notice of your postings that way. Some people add the story to their Current Reading in their archive profile, to keep the link handy for quick checks. Some people run an email notification list. You can create a group in your email client for notifications, and do a fast mass mailing. The downside is sharing your email address, but you can make a separate gmail account (or other free email service) just for notifications to preserve your email privacy. Some people use Facebook for update notices as well as for review replies. And then there's Twitter, so readers can follow you on that social media venue.
  2. It's even beyond being a freebie seeker. It's the notion that the world owes them something, and everyone needs to jump through hoops to provide exactly what this person wants. Even worse, the demands are frequently lacking in grammar, punctuation, or even any notion of sense. It made me quite happy to have dabbled in obscure and unpopular fandoms. I always want to hug authors who tell such reviewers that sorry, it's their story, they will write it their way, and the reviewer is welcome to write the story the reviewer wants to read. (And then, if they're like me, they go and wonder if they were over the top saying that. ) We all love a review, though. Even those quick, "I loved it!" reviews can keep us going.
  3. The requirement for subcategories is that there be at least five existing stories for each subcategory. If you can provide DG with at least five links for each of those pairings, it'll make this go much faster.
  4. May I stand up, cheer loudly, and applaud until my hands bleed?
  5. The difference is largely in the visual depictions found on that site. I'm going to quote from the response we give to complaints about stories with under-18 fictional characters: We follow a policy of no censorship, as long as the content is legal. While we can't allow stories involving real persons under the age of 18, fictional characters are permissible as long as the story is properly tagged so those readers who prefer not to see such content can click on past it. And given the volume of Harry Potter fictions involving a large cast of generally underage characters involved with each other, with professors, with parents, with siblings, and with creatures, I'd say that it's not so much the content as it is the context.
  6. Do you have an archive account? If not, you need an archive account. Use this link to see how to go about that. If so, did you log out after activation and then log back in using the upper right fields? The center fields do not work after you activate. You need to use the upper right fields to log in. If you are using the upper right fields and still can't log in, you need to use the email account you used when you created the account in the first field, and your password in the second field. Passwords are case sensitive, which means if you used a capital letter when you made the password, you must always use a capital letter when you log in. That graphic in my previous post appears at the top of the archive page, whether you are in your profile or at the home page of the archive. If you aren't logged in, it will offer you the login fields. Once you log in, you see that graphic. Clicking Control Panel takes you to the page where you can add stories, edit stories, and delete stories as well as manage your profile data, update your email address, manage reviews, and many other functions. Control Panel replaces the old Author Panel function. Our FAQ thread, which is open to everyone, has a great deal of helpful information. Many FAQs are complete with screen shots to help you understand what we mean. If, after looking through those, you still need help, by all means, do ask, and we'll be happy to assist.
  7. The FAQ for archive registration is here. That is the first step. We have a FAQ regarding forum registration, which is separate from archive registration. Certain threads are open for guests to read and post, but the primary purpose of the forum is to provide a place for archive members to create communities and find support. This means you need an archive registration BEFORE you apply for a forum registration. Until you have created an archive profile, and then registered for the forum with that archive profile noted properly in the forum registration, you won't be able to log in anywhere.
  8. If you run into stories here on AFF that are missing a trigger tag like rape, minor1/minor2, incest, and the like, PLEASE either post the link here or email us with the story url at tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org. We really do take that sort of thing seriously, and the last thing we want is for a reader to stumble on something that will cause them grief or pain.
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