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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. I always try to answer reviews, boyo. Leave me one, and I'll answer.
  2. How exactly are you accessing the stories? Do you have them saved for offline reading? If so, how did you save them and in what format?
  3. For Surrender: I actually have Seaquist in my family line, certainly doesn't bear thinking about too closely. But thank you, both for reading, and for reviewing! I seem to be developing a bloodthirsty streak, and I'm not entirely unhappy about that. I don't do fluffy all that well anyway. I do hope to be playing in the prompts more often, yes, so let's hope! Thanks again!
  4. This FAQ steps out exactly how to register under the new archive code. Just follow each step exactly as explained, and it should be fine. Of course, if you run into any issues, please let us know, and we'll help you sort it out.
  5. Happy Birthday to my sweet Neko-baby! Love you!!!

    1. WillowDarkling


      LOL, thank you so much, baby :D Love you too :D

    2. Krulos


      Happy birthday to whoever that is- happy belated birthday, that is.

  6. Oh, I know that PTSS thing all too well. I have panic attacks whenever I post anything, even if they're oneshots. But yes, Gavin and Lex come across as very believable, and I'm really looking forward to reading the rest of your stories. I promise I won't wail too loudly about cliffhangers for the works in progress, and I'll be a good reader and review as well!
  7. I wish, I wish! My "baby" is nearly 17, and the older one nearly 20, and I'm busier than ever.
  8. They were fun, I must admit! I'm tempted to try them for another little ficlet!
  9. For Surrender: Thank you! I have to admit, it feels good to write for the prompts again! And praise from you always makes my day, my dear Witch!
  10. Pen Name: BronxWench Story Link: Surrender Review Replies: BronxWench's Review Replies - Original Fiction Type of Fic: FlashFic Rating: Adult+ Fandom: Original > Fantasy & Science Fiction > Slash - Male/Male Warnings: Anal, BDSM, B-Mod, BP, ChallengeFic, M/M, Minor2, Oneshot
  11. When you do a spellcheck in Word, there's an Options clickbox at the bottom of the spellcheck window. Click that, and you'll see a list of things you can activate Under the second section, there's a checkbox for readability statistics.
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