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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Is this regarding your archive account? If so, can you give me the url, user ID, or pen name for that account? Thanks!
  2. Link for above: The Tale of Jack by DancingGrimm
  3. jojo, this is exactly the kind of thing we'd rather you not do.This post adds nothing at all to the challenge, and the original poster has not asked for ideas. If you want a Harry Potter incest fic written, leave your own challenge, and refrain from bumping said challenge daily. It's annoying.
  4. It's very easy to make a review reply thread. For a Naruto story, you can go here to create a new topic, and then add the new topic's link to this thread.
  5. 33204
  6. 33202
  7. 33200
  8. 33198
  9. 33196
  10. 33194
  11. 33192
  12. 33189
  13. 33187
  14. 33185
  15. 33183
  16. "Guest_" designates a user who is not logged into their forum account or who does not have a forum account. This is a public thread, and non-registered users may post. Those posts will have the guest designation by default, and the user cannot change that. The registered users who haven't logged in, well...
  17. 33180
  18. 33177
  19. 33175
  20. 33173 I think so!
  21. 33171
  22. @Guest_DBX, oh, dear. Hopefully someone might know what this was called, or the author, and then I'd be happy to check. If it's gone, I won't be able to do much without more than a description, sadly. I'm sorry!
  23. 33166
  24. What's the file extension on your document? It should be .doc or .docx if you're using Word. If you saved it as a Word XML document or an OpenDocument format, that might be the issue. Try saving it as a straight Word Document (Word 97-2003 Document works fine for me).
  25. Okay. We have a FAQ for how to post a story: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/3552-how-to-add-a-story-using-rte/ The Rich Text Editor (RTE) has an option to paste in a Word document. However, that refers to a .doc or .docx file. Are you using Microsoft Word, or Wordpad?
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