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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. @Guest_DBX, oh, dear. Hopefully someone might know what this was called, or the author, and then I'd be happy to check. If it's gone, I won't be able to do much without more than a description, sadly. I'm sorry!
  2. 33166
  3. What's the file extension on your document? It should be .doc or .docx if you're using Word. If you saved it as a Word XML document or an OpenDocument format, that might be the issue. Try saving it as a straight Word Document (Word 97-2003 Document works fine for me).
  4. Okay. We have a FAQ for how to post a story: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/3552-how-to-add-a-story-using-rte/ The Rich Text Editor (RTE) has an option to paste in a Word document. However, that refers to a .doc or .docx file. Are you using Microsoft Word, or Wordpad?
  5. 33164
  6. 33162
  7. Awesome! And trust me, it's quality as well as quantity.
  8. 33155
  9. 33152
  10. The story, Hokage's Orders: Restoring my Clan, was by Goddess-Of-Sins and was removed for multiple ToS infractions. The author has not reposted the story here on AFF.
  11. 33139
  12. I tried both ways, and nothing, sorry. I tried searching the story ID as well, and I'm not coming up with a record of staff action.
  13. The name isn't coming up in my records here in the forum.
  14. It might help a bit if you can add to the OP's description of the story. That's pretty general, to be honest.
  15. We have a section: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/forum/743-general-rp/ But you knew that... So, post a request for a roleplay, and set out what you're looking for. With luck, you'll find a partner.
  16. 33136
  17. There's an "edit" button at the bottom of your post. If you're logged in when you make a post, you can edit it. There's a "delete" button, too. I can edit your posts, but honestly, this is something you should have figured out by now, after 218 posts of your own.
  18. 33134
  19. You could actually edit your initial post to add this information, rather than making repeated posts to bump this up.
  20. It's not enough to do a good search with that information provided, sorry!
  21. 33132
  22. 33130
  23. 33128
  24. 33125
  25. 33123
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