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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. I'd add "by William Shakespeare" to complete it, but at the beginning is fine.
  2. It's fine to use the quotation, but we do ask that you include a citation, either as a footnote at the end of the chapter, or if it's feasible, an in-line citation in the body of the story. We have a FAQ with some examples here.
  3. Read what the nice Forum Mod wrote. FUTURE posts with story snippets that are more than a ten-line paragraph will be deleted. Now, speaking as the nice Archive Mod, any story you post here on AFF which has been cobbled together from bits and pieces gleaned from this thread will need to be accompanied by emails from each and every person whose snippet you've used, sent to me at tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org, or the story will be removed by me. That's as per our Terms of Service, a document we do actually want you to read. (Really. We're very proud of it. We even wrote it in plain English as opposed to the legal gibberish you'll find elsewhere.)
  4. BronxWench

    Kushina fic

    Links for above: Satisfaction by EpicTopCat
  5. Magus, darling, it's my job to encourage the writers. I'm very good at it, too.
  6. And I'm going to remind folks that Fictionhunt archived most of those stories without the knowledge or consent of the authors, and accordingly, we don't allow links from Fictionhunt.
  7. Per the Urban Dictionary: frittle n. a temporary mark on the skin caused by the impression of a textured surface. hey, where did u get that frittle on your left cheek?
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