@Guest_DBX, oh, dear. Hopefully someone might know what this was called, or the author, and then I'd be happy to check. If it's gone, I won't be able to do much without more than a description, sadly. I'm sorry!
What's the file extension on your document? It should be .doc or .docx if you're using Word. If you saved it as a Word XML document or an OpenDocument format, that might be the issue. Try saving it as a straight Word Document (Word 97-2003 Document works fine for me).
Okay. We have a FAQ for how to post a story:
The Rich Text Editor (RTE) has an option to paste in a Word document. However, that refers to a .doc or .docx file. Are you using Microsoft Word, or Wordpad?
The story, Hokage's Orders: Restoring my Clan, was by Goddess-Of-Sins and was removed for multiple ToS infractions. The author has not reposted the story here on AFF.
We have a section: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/forum/743-general-rp/
But you knew that...
So, post a request for a roleplay, and set out what you're looking for. With luck, you'll find a partner.
There's an "edit" button at the bottom of your post. If you're logged in when you make a post, you can edit it. There's a "delete" button, too. I can edit your posts, but honestly, this is something you should have figured out by now, after 218 posts of your own.