And more reviews!
A Very Cliched Christmas
I'm not even sure where to begin, so let's just say that I'm still giggling. When you set out to hit every slash cliche, you certainly mean it, including the dreaded MPreg! I'm even willing to forgive the anal cervix, though, because this was abso-fucking-lutely, brilliantly funny. My Santa hat is off to you for one of the most delightful parodies ever to tickle the pixels of my monitor. And it'll be all your fault that I sit up all Christmas Eve, hoping to snag one of those pretty reindeer.
The Phone, Part II
Oh, Des, yet another absorbing and slightly disturbing look into your dystopia. It's such a complex world, but there are still certain truths that hold for humanity, no matter what, and you bring those out so well. No matter what, remembering those lost is always going to be one of our very human traits. Of course, sometimes the tables are turned, as you have done in this story. Thank you!