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Everything posted by Shunskitten

  1. I've taken stuff off the shelf, but i usually stay right where i grabbed it, and then i put it back in the same spot. the only store i dont, is in mardens, because usually where i find it, i put it back, and mardens where i live is half impossible to find anything, unless your just looking around and happend to find what your looking for.
  2. just wanna reply to a review, someone told me that i had the same chapter for 2 and 3, its fixed now, and thanks for telling me
  3. how do we activate the twitter part?
  4. where i live, 16 is age of consent, so i see it that if people write about a teenager 16 and over, having sex with a adult, thats just fine, but under, yeah that would be pushing it just a bit.
  5. ^ same here sometimes, i'll get to daydreaming, and i end up typing it down just so i dont lose my ideas
  6. Now i'm not saying i support child porn but arnt these laws here to protect children? If no child is harmed in the process then whats the harm? I'm not saying i go out there looking for shota or loli porn but theres a different between a cartoon/anime and something filmed live right? right. there is a major difference between anime and real life. for one, anime is just drawn. and for another, real life, thats a completely different story on child abuse.
  7. hiya, i was wondering how do you get your inspiration for writing? I get mine by simply writing. It's easy for me, even tho i do get blocks every now and then :/
  8. ^Banned for riding ma pony! XD
  9. yah, i got one, pm if you want the link to it, i dont like people spamming my facebook, i already had WOMAN trying to get laid with me on there
  10. i have nights where i end up staying up (mainly friday and saturday nights) due to a few good friends are sleeping when im up, and vice versa
  11. i'm a yaoi writer myself, tho i believe more then half my stories are hentai. when i write, i try to use obvious pairings, or not so obvious. but i mainly do requests. i write them because i enjoy it, and not because that character is hot (which i gotta admit, yeah they are) writing is just another talent of mine, and something i do due to nothing around the small town to do but walk, and go to the library for a good book.
  12. WTF PEOPLE! what? people cant go to a forum? and post how they feel? i mean, come on! if a woman wants to get a abortion, and it is for a good reason, not just because she dont want the child, i mean, theres a reason for everything, if you wanna put abortion in your fanfics, do it. you shouldn't have to worry about what others think of you. i feel sorry that this person has gotten such a terrible flame. to the person who did it, FUCK OFF! hun, i know how you feel, people will review me on ffnet and i end up getting rid of the review if i can.
  13. i tend to write what i feel, if im feeling sick, i tend to make my characters vomit, if im angry, i tend to kill one of them, if im sad, i tend to make them cry. whatever i feel, goes into my story. but, whereas im a mature writer, i find that my most explicit stories come out when im actually horny o.O
  14. I'm bi, and my family, meaning my mother, father, even my 13 year old sister knows i write smut (even tho she found out through going through my shit again) i told my mother, and she actually said she wanted to read them, and told me that i could make it as a author easily. my father hasn't given his feedback, but i know he doesn't mind. and my husband knows as well, he thinks its awesome that i write sexual material given to my sexual nature. some people accept the fact that you would have a awesome talent such as writing, some people dont. its a chance really when you tell them what you write, because of the fact that you don't know what they will say, wether they like it or not.
  15. http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600050625 Please read, rate, review, enjoy, and discuss here on the forums!
  16. http://ygo.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600102004 Please rate, review, read, enjoy, and discuss here on the forums! Anime: Yugioh Males: Atem/Yami, Joey
  17. http://ygo.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600102009 Please rate, review, read, enjoy, and discuss here on the forums! Anime: Yugioh GX Males: Judai, Johan
  18. http://ygo.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600102038 Please read, rate, review, discuss here on the forums, and enjoy! Anime: Yugioh GX Males: Judai, Johan
  19. http://ygo.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600102069 Please read, rate, review, discuss here on the forums, and enjoy! Anime: Yugioh GX Males: Judai, Johan
  20. http://ygo.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600102070 Please rate, read, review, enjoy, and discuss here on the forums. Anime: Yugioh Gx Males: Judai, Johan
  21. http://ygo.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600102114 Please read, rate, review, enjoy, and discuss here on the forums! Animes: Yugioh GX, Bakugan Males: Judai, Shun Kazami
  22. http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600102737 Please read, review, rate, enjoy, and discuss here on the forums! Anime: Naruto Males: Neji, Gaara
  23. http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600102889 Please read, rate, review, enjoy, discuss here on the forums! Crossover between Naruto and Bakugan Animes: Naruto, Bakugan Males: Sasuke Uchiha, Shun Kazami
  24. http://inu.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600096086 Please read, rate, review, enjoy, and discuss here on the forums! Anime: Inuyasha Male: Inuyasha Male: Sesshomaru
  25. http://inu.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600096096 Please read, review, rate, discuss here on the forums, and enjoy! Anime: Inuyasha Male: Naraku Male: Sesshomaru
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