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Everything posted by Shunskitten

  1. For my My Candy Love hentai fanfiction, my Oc sings (it's the only talent she even has, she's terrible elsewhere >_< haven't finished her though) I want her to sing the song Rude Boy by Rihanna, but I'm unsure how to put it in the disclaimer. I know I don't own it, and I know I don't make money off of it and that will be said. Is it allowed (don't want to hurt my account >.<) and how do I do the disclaimer?
  2. I've started a fanfiction about my Oc and a character from a online game called My Candy Love. I'm unsure if this falls under the area of Gaming or whatever it's called, or not, and if not, where would it go? First time posting something in that area, and I wanna make sure that I do it right.
  3. BAHAHAHAHAH I LOVE THAT LAST THING XD. I remember using ffnet back in 2006, and there was a feature there but not anymore. Too bad too, I liked it.
  4. Do you agree with Fanfiction.net getting rid of all smut stories? Or are you against it? If so, for what reasons do you have behind that? Please note we would like to clarify the content policy we have in place since 2002. FanFiction.Net follows the Fiction Rating system ranging from Fiction K to Fiction M. Although Fiction Ratings goes up to Fiction MA, FanFiction.Net since 2002 has not allowed Fiction MA rated content which can contain adult/explicit content on the site. FanFiction.Net only accepts content in the Fiction K through Fiction M range. Fiction M can contain adult language, themes and suggestions. Detailed descriptions of physical interaction of sexual or violent nature is considered Fiction MA and has not been allowed on the site since 2002. This was the announcement on June 4th, 2012. Nearly 10 years to the date of the last purge. I'm actually glad their doing this. I have been posting smut on there for two years, but I kept telling myself: Oh I'll be fine. And I also told myself: I'll switch to Adultfanfiction completely for my smut later... Now, I have a reason to, and this time, I can't defend or make an excuse. I'm rather glad I came to Adultfanfiction, I have fun here.
  5. I'm officially glad I moved to AFFNET a while ago. I'm removing my smut off of FFNET but keeping the non-smut on there.
  6. o.o i do? o.O huh. OH! i had lost hte password and email for the other one adn then i made my main one. im sorry about that. i have been since trying to find that little piece of paper and then the computer crashed and i wasn't able to even get into it
  7. I am unable to log into my account for cherylgebo@live.com ive tried and it says each time: please contact support you have been registered multiple times and need to merge acounts what do i do? i am very confused and i do not want to lose all my hard work, even tho i can put everything back up very quickly with a new account if this one has to get deleted
  8. alright, thanks. im still going to get a picture just incase tho, better safe then sorry
  9. i do have a question about the id verification. i am indeed over 18 (i was born in 89) but the picture thing, how long do we have to get that in? i aint able to get to a camera until i see my family, and have my sister take a picture of it.
  10. Still working on the 100th story, it's taking a lot more work then i thought!

  11. working on my 100th story! :D

    1. ApolloImperium
    2. marley_station


      Wow, you've been on quite a roll!

  12. thanks, yeah, that actually did help, once i read the nipple clamps part, thank you!
  13. I'm writing my 100th fanfic, and I want the theme to be torture, how would I do that sexually? I don't want it to be abuse tho. Can someone help? Please and thanks.
  14. where i live, church is church to people. we each have our own religions, and we don't really talk about them, exept for this one woman who people call the Jesus Lady
  15. id rather have one spouse i cant see loving another man if you already love one.
  16. :'( lost a good friend last night due to drinking and driving a fourwheeler :'(

    1. marley_station


      I am sorry for your loss.

    2. Shunskitten


      thanks, im alright now, just hits ya like a rock when you first here about it

  17. homophobia? dude, we all have blood, right? then why should others be scared of such people!? you might as well be scared of me! I'm half lesbian half straight, im bi! man that really pisses me off when people dont like someone just because of their sexuality. brokeback mountain happens to be a favorite movie of mine.
  18. well, i mean it's kinda crazy, because of the fact that we know it don't belong to us, and we make it out of pure fan-ness. so it seems kinda weird that they try something like that on fanmade things.
  19. dude, I DONT GIVE A FUCK WHAT SEXUALITY YOU ARE! it doesn't matter, we all have blood, so it shouldn't matter. I for one is BISEXUAL. i like both females and males! it shouldn't matter at all.
  20. eh, i dont really care what goes on, im one of those as long as it dont involve me and my family, eh.
  21. writing Getting Back Together, to finish it

  22. I was wondering, since I'm a nymphomaniac, how many others out there just like me? I'm ashamed to tell my mother, because she didn't even believe the fact that I'm bisexual. Is it something I should be ashamed of? Just because I'm really into sexual stuff?
  23. Ok, I know this would be EXTREMELY stupid to ask, but, I'm a 20 year old woman, have been married to a 38 year old man for over a year now, and tonight, I wanted to give him a blowjob, something I don't normally have the want or need to do, but I want to be able to really pleasure him while doing so. How do I give my husband a good blow job? I'm his wife, and I feel like I need to do a really wonderful job. We've done some kinky things, and we can't afford sex toys, the only kinky things we have is a pair of handcuffs, a small vibrator that needs batteries, and two bottles of lube, one of them flavored, which I like to use. I know there are easy ways to give a man head, like sucking, licking, deepthroating (which makes me gag and I don't want to puke all over his cock) bobbing your head. What else could I possibly do? I really wanna make him cum, and it seems to be a fetish of mine that I'm just realizing to have cum in my mouth, or on my face. Please help!
  24. you mean they would arrest us if we dont use a disclaimer? even tho we know that the material does not belong to us? dear me
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