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Everything posted by Shunskitten

  1. So I get down to the very last story stored on my computer that is in the works. I'm writing said story. I know it's the last one, my computer is nearly done with all the story files which was my goal. What does my brain do? Come up with another goddamn story. DAMMIT BRAIN! -.- *sighs*

  2. Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Green Day.
  3. I hate it when I go to clean the computer out, try to finish all my stories...AND I GET LIKE, 3 NEW IDEAS GODDAMMIT!

  4. Does anyone know if magical properties in a fanfiction falls under transformation or other? ._. Already I forgot...(very stressful week T~T you could say) Could explain more in a pm if needed.

  5. A bit confused about a story I'm putting up...hopefully the tags are correct, never wrote a story where two souls ended up in each other's body.

  6. Updating all profiles once a month is hellish @_@ me and my thingie for that...

  7. My favorite online game just got like, 5 more versions! SQUEEE!

  8. Still kinda stressed and nervous, but thankful that no one was hurt. I hate car accidents...

  9. No internet for three days = no writing due to anger at the computer X'D Back to writing OTL.

  10. Finally changed my profile picture! ^u^

    1. JayDee


      Something that cute can only be planning a nasty killing spree. I've seen the bunny. I know how these things work!

    2. Shunskitten


      Oh my lord I love you for that. That bunny D: That scary scary bunny!

  11. My goodness *facepalm* I'm more blond than I thought X'D

  12. Man I have a lot of stories to finish >~<;;;

    1. kagome26isawsome
    2. Shunskitten


      You think I would have worked on them one at a time but if I get a new idea I can't just sit there! It must come out!

  13. I actually forgot this was here o_o

  14. At the current moment...Summer. I am so sick of snow =.=
  15. @~@ That awkward moment when you want to go for a walk...but it's pouring. DARN YOU WEATHER! D: HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO MEH!?

  16. Google is kicking up a fit over something that they could easily take down and fix. Like I said, I haven't had the warning since I last posted in the Red Page of Doom (I think?) and it's fine for me ._. I really hope this gets fixed, I know it's annoying for not only the users but the staff and DemonGoddess.
  17. Hopefully it will go away for everyone ._. But I'll be sure to let ya know if it comes back for me (still haven't had it by the way)
  18. I haven't had it since my last post. My anti-virus updated recently (I have Avast). For me it's fixed, I'm not getting it on the forums either. Thank goodness!
  19. The Beginning of Time option I believe. I just cleared it shortly before I logged on and got the first red page of doom, so I didn't even have four weeks on here. EDIT: I will say though, if I go from forum to Adulfanfiction via that button up there, I don't get it at all. Maybe it's finally fixed for me!
  20. I hope so...I closed out and got back in, then I cleared my cache and cookies, still got it. Like I said before, I'm not worried about it, because I also went on a couple sites that gave me the thumbs up (from McAfee and Norton) and it doesn't bother me at all, they both say the site is clean. It's just a major pain in my ass when someone asks for a story and I have to deal with that as I get on, but I never get it after getting past it. The red warning screen only comes up when I first type in the address. Also as a note: My friend has gotten it and nothing is wrong with her computer, and she runs...runs...I completely forgot what her virus protection is but I know she has one.
  21. I cleared my cookies and cache and I restarted Google Chrome, I still got it ._. I'm not worried no more, but it's still a pain in the ass for me. As I love to say, Google Chrome you bitch.
  22. Yeah pffft XD. I came back on to upload a story and I got that warning. I went: WE MEET AGAIN GOOGLE CHROME WARNING PAGE. *strokes pretend goatee* I haven't even had a single notice from my Avast! Antivirus at all. I'm not even worried about it no more.
  23. Castielskitten here (forgot to sign in earlier) Well hopefully they get to work and get it going. I'm sure quite a few Chrome users such as myself will be sick and tired of seeing that warning pop up. I was going to wait but I got a little impatient and I still don't have a problem and I've been on Adultfanfiction this entire time.
  24. I'm glad to see us up and running again, I would have posted it on FB but my fear of my family finding out that I write smut kinda got in the way...Anywho! Time for me to put up a story! XD
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