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Status Replies posted by RogueMudblood

  1. All is not right in my world, but DrSisterWitch is home to lead the charge on mom's cancer once more. What a rough week this has been. It is Friday, right?

  2. Hums taps for the old faithful Logitech wireless keyboard then pushes forward into an era with the new one

  3. Dear old mods: I don't appreciate you never having ... ya know, moderated.

  4. Dear old mods: I don't appreciate you never having ... ya know, moderated.

  5. Dear old mods: I don't appreciate you never having ... ya know, moderated.

  6. I think I'll prolly end up gutted in my sleep... The EFOs are not amused with the toy that contains the treats and can't get them out

  7. bbbbzzzzzzztttttttbztbbzzztttt

  8. The damn cockatoos are eating our mandarin's. Bugger off ya feathered bastards!

  9. It's amazing... cats can be so dead asleep they are snoring but one soft rattle of the bag that has the treats and they are awake then glued to your side LMAO!

  10. And the first round of edits for Second Chances is done and back to the editor for round two!

  11. Happy birthday to me, etc.

  12. In just a few hours, I'm out of here for a little over two weeks - DemonGoddess and the rest of the staff will be around as always to help! I'll see y'all on the flip side!!!

  13. I haven't been on in a while... I miss the brown.

  14. and another submission off to WCP. Cross your fingers for me, again!

  15. How many collabs going on at once is too many collabs?

  16. I want inspiration... I need to hear the pianos.

  17. I hit over 45,000 words on my story!


  19. pondering another degree. Perhaps one I'll actually use this time?

  20. Seeing my dad look better today than he has in many weeks can't help but give me some encouragement.

  21. Spending an entire day sitting or standing in an emergency ward isn't as much fun as it sounds.

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