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Status Replies posted by RogueMudblood

  1. Why in the world does tech support think that not responding to me and telling me they've resolved my issue is going to make me go away when it's something I PAID for? I spent money on it, bub. You're *going* to talk to me and *FIX* it.

  2. Why in the world does tech support think that not responding to me and telling me they've resolved my issue is going to make me go away when it's something I PAID for? I spent money on it, bub. You're *going* to talk to me and *FIX* it.

  3. Why in the world does tech support think that not responding to me and telling me they've resolved my issue is going to make me go away when it's something I PAID for? I spent money on it, bub. You're *going* to talk to me and *FIX* it.

  4. OK, went back and left reviews on all 8 of the stories I read today. Thank you apollo for reminding us we need to take the time to review more ^^

  5. Well, well. Twenty years today since the daft bugger and I got married, and so far, so good! I think he might be a keeper... :D

  6. I will not expect proper grammar on the Internet. I will not expect proper grammar on the Internet. I will not....

  7. The arrogance of the dimwitted never ceases to astound me.

  8. I am so emotionally spent that i can barely move. Time to crash! *shakes fist at evil part of self for the torture*

  9. lawnzilla is baaack! arrrgh!

  10. Potter Plunnies.... @.@

  11. September 6 is Read A Book Day. What are you going to read? :D

  12. So THAT'S what Milk Duds are! And I just found out what Baby Ruth, Butterfingers and 3 Musketeers chocolate bars taste like.

  13. So THAT'S what Milk Duds are! And I just found out what Baby Ruth, Butterfingers and 3 Musketeers chocolate bars taste like.

  14. So I made it down to ALT safe and sound - Tomorrow starts D*C for me! Don't forget if you want to play 'Where's Apollo?' make sure to follow AFF on FB or Twitter!!!

  15. Four chapters and a road block..Do I dare publish the first four?

  16. Four chapters and a road block..Do I dare publish the first four?

  17. Four chapters and a road block..Do I dare publish the first four?

  18. When I leave, I will leave on my own terms. I will not be bullied or threatened. I will not allow someone to speak to me like that ever again. Ever.

  19. And this is why FFN will not even entertain the silly petitions: minor children are signing them. You're telling them up front you're going to abuse anything they put in place. Nice job there, kiddies.

  20. And this is why FFN will not even entertain the silly petitions: minor children are signing them. You're telling them up front you're going to abuse anything they put in place. Nice job there, kiddies.

  21. I'm the lorax and I speak for the... Oh wait. Wrong one... Sorry. San is having computer registry difficulties. So she won't be on for a bit. Now then that said, any ideas on finding a recovery disk for Windows Vista?

  22. Swear on my heart, I just saw a sex ad on Youtube. It had ass shots and words encouraging people to look at pictures of naked old women. Is Youtube oblivious to young children going on the site or are they really desperate?

  23. Rain! Glorious rain!

  24. It was 105 today. I'm melting, I'm melting, I'm melting....

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