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WillowDarkling last won the day on August 28

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  1. And we have an eruption happening! A volcanic fissure has opened up in a small valley, and is erupting. There have been hardly any quakes in the past couple of days, so hopefully the quakes are done. I can’t wait for the authorities come up with an official name for the fissure and resulting lava.

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    2. WillowDarkling


      Well, yes, it only took the lava over 40 000 earthquakes in the span of 3 weeks to finish buffering, Desi :D 

      The location is sort of in the middle of the Reykjanes peninsula, so it’s kind of midway between the capital where I live, and the little town where my parents and baby sister & family live. But thankfully, the fissure is far enough away from the towns that there is very little danger. Biggest concern at the moment is gas emissions from the fissure going over townships, so authorities are issuing warnings about keeping windows shut, and that the lava might possibly run over the road that’s on the south coast of the peninsula, connecting it to the south coast of the country. But that’s alright, because there are two other roads out of the town where my family live, so there’s no danger of people getting cut off :D 

      But honestly, this is exciting enough that my parents (now officially both in their 60’s) ran out into their car and drove off to try and see the eruption, like about half the damned town :D 

    3. InvidiaRed


      I’m just glad your parents are okay. If my parents did that it’d be

      Just because that’s how luck treats my family.

    4. Desiderius Price
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