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InvidiaRed got a reaction from BronxWench for a status update, Rewrite is doing better. Felt like I had to separate it. Now for some reason I have a
Rewrite is doing better.
Felt like I had to separate it.
Now for some reason I have a romance story prequeling/concurrent with the dark fantasy one.
… No I don’t know how that happened.
InvidiaRed reacted to Ghost-of-a-Chance for a status update, Kids these days will never experience many of the rites of passage my generation valu
Kids these days will never experience many of the rites of passage my generation valued more than gold. For instance: saving up your allowance for three weeks during the summer so you can buy one of those giant plastic Pixie Stix at the public pool’s canteen and downing the whole thing in one go to use it as a snorkel and spending the rest of the month with a burning feeling in the back of your throat that tastes like cherries, chlorine, and stale pee.
…those lucky saps.
InvidiaRed got a reaction from Ghost-of-a-Chance for a status update, Got to love when your role expands but there’s no appropriate compensation.
Got to love when your role expands but there’s no appropriate compensation.
InvidiaRed got a reaction from BronxWench for a status update, Got to love when your role expands but there’s no appropriate compensation.
Got to love when your role expands but there’s no appropriate compensation.
InvidiaRed got a reaction from GeorgeGlass for a status update, Did anyone else want to do Winter 2024? If not I’ll post it ere when I get back from
Did anyone else want to do Winter 2024? If not I’ll post it ere when I get back from my shift lol.
InvidiaRed got a reaction from BronxWench for a status update, Did anyone else want to do Winter 2024? If not I’ll post it ere when I get back from
Did anyone else want to do Winter 2024? If not I’ll post it ere when I get back from my shift lol.
InvidiaRed got a reaction from BronxWench for a status update, Hate when i get hit with so much inspiration and prompts but I also want to finish st
Hate when i get hit with so much inspiration and prompts but I also want to finish stories when the ol noggin goes oh hey, you know what that’d be cool!
Quick write them or or post them so you don’t forget!!
InvidiaRed got a reaction from Ghost-of-a-Chance for a status update, Life has been crazy lately, between my car being totaled, granny having a brain bleed
Life has been crazy lately, between my car being totaled, granny having a brain bleed ER managed to staunch to having a minor stroke directly in in the ER. Alot is happening all at once. 😅
InvidiaRed got a reaction from Wilde_Guess for a status update, Life has been crazy lately, between my car being totaled, granny having a brain bleed
Life has been crazy lately, between my car being totaled, granny having a brain bleed ER managed to staunch to having a minor stroke directly in in the ER. Alot is happening all at once. 😅
InvidiaRed reacted to DemonGoddess for a status update, So, as I’m sure many have noticed, I’ve been busy trying to work myself to death for
So, as I’m sure many have noticed, I’ve been busy trying to work myself to death for the past five years or so. So, in that time, I’ve worked ridiculous hours with very little time off, and often multiple shifts in a day. As a result, I was more than a little unproductive here.
I retired the end of March, and spent the first fourish months doing nothing but sleep. Have one final test from my doctor on November 22nd, so should be done with all that shit for a bit as well by then.
In the meantime, I am now checking all the email addresses I always did before, as I now have the time. Am easing back into the archive repair, minor hunting, and other things I did as well.
Sorry for the absence, but, glad to be back
InvidiaRed got a reaction from Melrick for a status update, Life has been crazy lately, between my car being totaled, granny having a brain bleed
Life has been crazy lately, between my car being totaled, granny having a brain bleed ER managed to staunch to having a minor stroke directly in in the ER. Alot is happening all at once. 😅
InvidiaRed got a reaction from WarrenTheConey for a status update, Life has been crazy lately, between my car being totaled, granny having a brain bleed
Life has been crazy lately, between my car being totaled, granny having a brain bleed ER managed to staunch to having a minor stroke directly in in the ER. Alot is happening all at once. 😅
InvidiaRed got a reaction from GeorgeGlass for a status update, Life has been crazy lately, between my car being totaled, granny having a brain bleed
Life has been crazy lately, between my car being totaled, granny having a brain bleed ER managed to staunch to having a minor stroke directly in in the ER. Alot is happening all at once. 😅
InvidiaRed got a reaction from BronxWench for a status update, Life has been crazy lately, between my car being totaled, granny having a brain bleed
Life has been crazy lately, between my car being totaled, granny having a brain bleed ER managed to staunch to having a minor stroke directly in in the ER. Alot is happening all at once. 😅
InvidiaRed reacted to InBrightestDay for a status update, So I’ve been away for months now, and it was for what might honestly have been a stup
So I’ve been away for months now, and it was for what might honestly have been a stupid reason. Last Christmas, I’d wanted to submit a story called Meaningful Gifts, and I didn’t finish it on time. I took two weeks off in January, and actually managed to make a lot of progress on it, but I still didn’t finish. If I’d taken three weeks I probably would have finished it, but that didn’t happen.
I was so deeply ashamed of not having anything to contribute that I felt like I couldn’t show my face around here, so I just disappeared.
Recently, I’ve realized that maybe not successfully submitting a story, even if it’s a story people are waiting on, isn’t as bad as I thought, so if it’s ok, I think I’ll be coming by here more often. I’ll finish Meaningful Gifts eventually, but hopefully the fact that I didn’t manage it last year isn’t as bad as I feared.
In the meantime, I’ll work on reviews for a few other people’s stories and just try to be more active here in general.
InvidiaRed reacted to Ghost-of-a-Chance for a status update, Y’all, my husband needs a warning label. I’m sitting here, sucking on a peppermint an
Y’all, my husband needs a warning label. I’m sitting here, sucking on a peppermint and minding my business with headphones on—the better to block out his party chat trash-talk—and I hear THIS: “You ain’t had pussy since you came out a pussy.”
I don’t know who was laughing louder, the recipient of the burn, Cold, or me, but I very nearly had a Star-Brite lodged in my throat. This guy kills me.
InvidiaRed got a reaction from Wilde_Guess for a status update, Anybody know why modern book covers tend to be well… Bland and boring? Like we had th
Anybody know why modern book covers tend to be well… Bland and boring?
Like we had these amazing sword and sandal covers and now its well bluh.
InvidiaRed got a reaction from BronxWench for a status update, Surprise! Halloween 2024 is early!
Surprise! Halloween 2024 is early!
InvidiaRed got a reaction from BronxWench for a status update, Anybody know why modern book covers tend to be well… Bland and boring? Like we had th
Anybody know why modern book covers tend to be well… Bland and boring?
Like we had these amazing sword and sandal covers and now its well bluh.
InvidiaRed got a reaction from BronxWench for a status update, It finally rained in AZ! the first whisper of fall y‘all
It finally rained in AZ! the first whisper of fall y‘all
InvidiaRed got a reaction from WarrenTheConey for a status update, It finally rained in AZ! the first whisper of fall y‘all
It finally rained in AZ! the first whisper of fall y‘all
InvidiaRed got a reaction from Desiderius Price for a status update, It finally rained in AZ! the first whisper of fall y‘all
It finally rained in AZ! the first whisper of fall y‘all
InvidiaRed got a reaction from Wilde_Guess for a status update, Currently enjoying the forerunners of scifi. Have to say Light Envelope of Hp lovecra
Currently enjoying the forerunners of scifi.
Have to say Light Envelope of Hp lovecraft is so far my favorite terminology.
InvidiaRed got a reaction from BronxWench for a status update, How does one find an editor?
How does one find an editor?
InvidiaRed got a reaction from Desiderius Price for a status update, How does one find an editor?
How does one find an editor?