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Everything posted by taker

  1. 1974: August 8. President Richard Nixon resides after getting impeached for the Watergate Schandel.
  2. ^ Knows I call Shenanigans alot in Wrestling. < Chia Pet ran away V Things Menapuase is a jewish holiday
  3. 1970: National Guard Opens Fire Killing Four Students At Kent State University
  4. taker

    I Have Never....

    I weight 275 lbs. I never gave a spider monkey a reach around while reciting the pledge of alliegence.
  5. 1968: Robert Fitzgerald Kennedy is shot and murdered in the Democratic Convention in LA, CA. Also Malcom X is shot and killed, Vietnaum excalates.
  6. taker

    I Have Never....

    I have been in a five person fight and fended them off. I never had sex with a chick in a Logan's Airport Bathroom.
  7. taker

    I Have Never....

    Aprendí español en secundaria escuela, pero mi español es malo ahora. I never had sex with the lights on.
  8. 1964: The Vietnaum War expands to the Americas.
  9. ^ Knows I say FUCK DALLAS! alot. < Hates all non hockey, non wrestling, non kick boxing, non boxing sports. V Loves my wierd as hell writing since it reminds them of a crack head.
  10. 1961: JFK is elected PResident of the USA
  11. ^ Thinks I have terrets syndrome and knows I Love fat Man with red headed wife I.E. FAMILY GUY! YES THEY DESERVE TO DIE! AND I HOPE THEY BURN IN HELL! < Has added chapter 3 to their yaoi, yuri and hetro fictions DEMONS. V Is sad that the sex starts picking up in chapters 6 and later but wants to take my comminos to see my own characters.
  12. ^ Knows that I'd say it but knows that I'd also be lieing. < Loves Samuel L. Jackson movies V YES THEY DESERVE TO DIE! AND I HOPE THEY BURN IN HELL!
  13. I actually empty the well of inovation with my stories sometimes. I'll use everything including the Kitchen Sink to my diposal.
  14. Yeah I've noticed that to (number 4) too. We're guy's and we're supposed to the Sex Machine, thing is we rarely last through one orgasm let alone multiple. Also
  15. j00 = t3h w1nn3r!!~!1111!!1 Umm gratz? SJ: Think that's bad? I did some research on the Hart family (Canada's First Family of Wrestling like the Guerrero's are Mexico's First Family of Wrestling) and one of them (Stu Hart) had one wife (Helen I think) and hse had twelve kids (9 sons and 3 daughters) tell me that isn't a large family who isn't a farming family. On a farm, especially in olden days, you expected to have atlast four kids to just help out with keeping the farm up and running. Your speculations do seem really accurate for a number of people I know in my whore capitol of Western PA. Quamp: I'm not even going to being to tell you on how many levels that was wrong. But yeah peole are stupid, we up here in the North call ya'll stupid? I know so many traffic alone related stories that puts the good ol' red neck boys, hill billies, slack jawed yokals etc. to shame. DakrVampWriter: I could not have said/posted any better myself.
  16. Actually a number of your posts untill recently had just the SOVIET flag as your post, NOTHING ELSE. I thought you just spamming it off to show off youre 1337 skillz.
  17. You guys are such n00bs... All right I'll teach you real quick. I'll link to the arch's page for example. [*url=http://archive.adult-fanfiction.org]Adult Fan Fiction[/url*] Now normally that would link, but lets remove to * to see what happens... Adult Fan Fiction basically you want to enter [*url=THEURLHEREWITHOUTANYSPACES]The name of the URL or your story or a picture, etc.[/url*] Just remove the astericks and you're set. I didn't mean to demean anyone of course.
  18. I wouldn't mind it but too much of my stuff is fan based, so I couldn't get liscensing rights. OH well, besides i'm not that good of an author, I'm a decent IMO.
  19. yay! Demons: Kingdom Hearts Fiction Remnants of Earth: DBZ Alt. Universe Closer Than Friends: .HACK//SIGN fiction Lots of hetro sex, I'll add more as I see fit Yeah I loves shamless plugs, I'll bring my Raditz/Bulma fiction over eventually. Untill then right now I"m concentrated soully on Demons and ROE. I'll do CTF when I see fit, but yeah I think the stories are goign the way I want them to w/o losing continuality.
  20. No, just no. There's better names.
  21. ALL HAIL OUR ZIONIST GOVERNMENT! YEAH (sarcasm). I hate the US, but its not the peoples fault the republicans are rigging elections by turning away black and hispanic voters. Oh well, I'll just sit on teh side lines untill it makes headlines where I live. I mean it's not anyones fault for being religious or not who serve government.
  22. I'm sorry, this is too much fun not to say... "KISS MY ASS!" :-D With all do respect. Sides, I REGRET NOTHING! I stand ideally by my words in real life and have yet to both apollogize and look both ways before I cross a street. I'll be damned if look both ways, and I'm damned if I don't! :-D I love when people blow things out or porportion. DarkVampWriter: Don't blame you. That's why I have the real deal write it for me. Much link the link in my sig suggestions. I could write Yaoi, I'm a decent actor (so my friends say) and I stumble my way through hetro acts, so appereantly I can botch good enough for yaoi with a real life yaoi boy. I think if I should choose to do yuri, I'll call my girlfriend, she's a lesbian. I know what you're thinking "If she's gay, she's most likely not your girlfriend." We have this odd relationshiop between, we're both friends and lovers yet we're not togher officially, she dates other girls. I just strike out! I'm 0-4 so far! YES! HORRAH FOR ME! Zimarah: Wh'ats the problem you're having?
  23. Okay, that does suck. I mean I've already set my self on fire on accident three times. It sucks, it never gets better. OH WELL! :-D Can we ban Charging Handles First? I mean all he/she does is spam. Oh yeah like he/she's doing: Botherign people like little kids (who bother you 2x worst back) is also fun sometimes. Not all the time, just pick your moment and its funny. Like kissing a your best gal/guy infront of some 1st graders.
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