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Everything posted by taker

  1. Actually if anyone one of us were stuck in a deatly situation. I garantee any of us would have sex with the other perospn (if any) in that situation. I mean if I was stuck with a guy or girl. I want one last horrah before I die. Sure I rather die in a Propane Truck crashiong into a Gas Station to be Memorably Overrocked. But if it seemed as though me and the other person were dead, I'd try to have one last Horrah with them. I GARANTEE anyone else here would to. The gayest person can be a the person of the opposite sex, and if all hope was lost I'd bet anything they screw on last time. I know I would. So far everything looks very true. Some if it in real life too.
  2. WHAT THE FUCK!? Could be worst, my boy's girlfiend. Her SISTER is only THIRTEEN 13 AND SHE's ALREAD KNOCKED UP! Its possible that because you're so open and out there, that don't have to prove you are what you are yet you sister who's so shy had to prove her feminineity by walking the walk. Sex Ed was a kick ass class, who the fuck took it out of schools? DUbya? Fucking IDIOT! HW was a better president. Since you're mother was more protective of you, you may have subconsciencely known how far you watned to go where your sister who wasn't watched over as much wanted to gain attention. I'm not a psychiatrist, this ss just a guess.
  3. Corvis: yeah productive is a great word in general. Angel: I know that world from somewhere. SWEETUMS. SweetMisery: Yeah I just uploaded teh ficts I want to the one up here. It'll be a while. But I'm having fund with FUZZY LOVE in Kingdom Hearts fics to read. Great story.
  4. ^Is WRONG! I FUCKING HATE VEGGIES! <Is now joining the army HOWEVER is offered to help kick off a local wrestling league VThinks I'll be a great heel wrestler. (The bad guy)
  5. Me? Taker writes alot of heterosexual fics. I don't write yuri majorly because my ex girlfriends are lesbians. THANK GOD NOT WITH EACH OTHER. That would PROBABLY make me feel worst and probably hurt myself for that. I'm going to expeirment with Shonen Ai and Shonen Au with my DBZ Fiction "Remnants of Earth" since it's going to be an epic fiction (over 80 chapters intended) seeing right now my two male characters (Tull 28, Appla 13 he grows into adulthood throughout the story) are already close and they'll have eventually have a situation. Now normally I'm kind of like "no fuck that faggot shit!" But that's really biggot but then I remembered one thing that as a breeder I should have stappled in my mind, since its true with alot of my 'ships... NOT ALL HOMOSEXUAL RELATIONSHIPS ARE SEXUAL. I have male friends whom I love like brothers. Most of the same male friends, I'll give up organs, take bullets, give blood to so that they'd live. I know I get alot of heat for being prodomently m/f person, however love is a strange thing. There's different levels of love people have for one another. I love my last ex with all my heart still (not because she took my virginity or I'm the only male who has never abused or mistreated her, but really love her for who she is) but I also love several of my best friends. Okay I went of topic a bit, for which I do appologize. Just trying to defend my actions/words. Now just give a brief example of why you write what you write. Does any of your personal expieriences (Movies and/or intercourse) have any part in your writings? What do you consider your prime example work (URL is nice, but not manditory). I write heterosexual stories because I'm heterosexual. Sure I like watching lesbians once in a while, but I'm not some Macho Man asshole who's like "I LOVE LESBIANS! FUCK THEM FAGS! I AIN'T WITH THAT GAY SHIT!" Which is easily countered with "You know lesbians are gay right?" I think my BEST writing thus far is Closer Than Friends I'm slowly revealing how some of heterosexual friends are as they are, but with several differences, somtimes they're from my friends, sometimes from me. I'm trying to capture for this that there's there's more to love than just lust. I know all the chapters thus far have sex in them, however I'm working on 4 right now and I'll be trying to capture a close loving friendship between Kite and Blackrose. Please folks, feel free to drop a line and respond accordingly please. I tink I should have this post broken into two different topics. I might do that later. P.S.: Recently a male friend whom I love has come out (not attracted to me ) and I've been getting the proper exposure to the homosexual community that I'll need later. I've also picked up on mannerisms (SEVERAL OF WHICH I ADDOPTED! >_<) and terminology. Now if I can only get some breeder jokes!
  6. Congrats Corvis. Dazzeled: Heh no offense Corvis but indeed, productive in several ways. God's greatest and last Prophet according to the Islamic faith is the Prophet Mohammed. Close enough so I'll give you a brownie point for trying. I on the other hand have all these ideas but my asshole parents or friends don't leave me alone to jot them down. So alot of what I think up sounds great to me, but I end up forgetting. I'll probably never get to my multiverse battleathon >_<. It doesn't help my asshole dad all kills my mood 150% of the time. Thank God for Basic training!
  7. WTF does Squee have to do with this thread?! I'm never worried about any one personally. There's alot of yaoi fangirls like there's alot of yuri fanboys. Hell my ex and I had a deal, if she'd Yuri for me I'd yaoi for her. Keep in mind Yaoi is often used due to lack of characters I.E. Legacy of Kain series is a prime example, or Harry Potter. Yes JR Tolekien is rolling over in his grave God rest his soul.
  8. By saying "You took that from Family Guy taker!" that's a good way to go. yeah I'm saving my points.
  9. Everyone's gay to a certain extent Everyone's straight to a certain extent Everyone's bisexual speeling and grammor r 0v3r4t3d Alternate universes are always exsistant The more you hate your rival, the more and more you want to nail him/her Child molestation has suddenly become okay A lack of characters can still make a yaoi (I.E. Soul Reaver) Appearently despite known fact, all men are either gay or bisexual. Funny I could have sworn we normally being what and who we are, don't like to be intimate with men unless we're gay or really comfortable with oursexuality despite women being more easily open with their sexuality. Everyone has alot of vanilla sex. Alot of mercenary/missionary position. Anal is almost staple with oral. Forget facials and the other exciting things.
  10. You think that's bad? I was addicted to cookies since Febuary. I'm finally. I knew I hit rock bottom when this red headed woman found me in the womens bathroom. I was on the can (with my clothes on) squeezing dough into a spoon and tried using a ligher to cook the dough. My friends got me into rehab but a week in to it, the doctor and two orderlies came into my room for contraband inspection. Well the found a plate of peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies under my bead, I tried to explain that they weren't mine, so instead I quickly devoured them and started screaming "YOU GUYS ARE NAZIS MAN! YOU GUYS ARE NAZIS!" then I remember waking up strapped down to my bed. Yeah that's addiction.
  11. yeah I lost 10 lbs to help me join the US Army to make some decent money rather than all the shitty jobs I've had.
  12. ^Has no Idea that I don't know what they said. <Is hoping Bobbly Lashley wins the WWE King of the Ring. VThinks I'm nuts.
  13. We should be at 1830. ONE-THOUSAND, EIGHT HUNDREDN AND THIRTY. MCCCDXXX I think.
  14. http://www.nst.com.my/Current_News/...icle/index_html
  15. Time ot be egotistical for no reason. I'M GOING TO PULL A RANDY ORTON! "THANK YOU SO VERY VERY MUCH EVERYONE! I'm glad to see my adoring fans here for me. Cheering me on after my short absense.' Okay enough of that before I hack (I CANNOT HACK) an admin acount and ban my username. :-p. Seriously though, I got another board to spam err message on again!
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