Turtle wax! Woohooo!
oh and no, its not Nanaea.
(i recognise that line... from some game show from my youth... but I can't remember which one! grrr.... that's going to bug me! )
I am really tired of having to come over to my parents to use the computer!!
I am now equiped with an internet hook-up at home but...
I am really pissed off that hubby took the laptop with him to New Zealand for a week and a half!
^ Underestimates my knowledge of what is funny.
< Wants to know where she can get a "Heckle Me Elmo"
V Thinks Oscar the Grouch might have better suited this concept
^ Is a brilliant woman.
< Knows that the other "In-a-Box" ideas are only in the idea stage anyway.
v Is now laughing their ass off at this whole people in a box idea.
^ should see the "In-a-Box" catalogue.
< Has many ideas as to who should get the "Box" treatment, as does my business partner, Madapple, and our many testers!
V Wants to know if we offer dental coverage.
^ Should know we are looking into it!
< Is fairly sure there is some law that would consider that pimping...
V Will look into that law and any way we can get around it.
^Over estimates my collection of chocolate covered beings... elves or otherwise.
< Is sadly out of chocolate covered elves, superheroes and potion masters...
< Has a wonderful supply of Official Rickman-in-a-box mechadise.
V Has happy accepted a job at the Rickman-in-a-box Corp.