^ knows me far too well.
< Has been following the Pluto situation only because she has recently developed a dependency on CNN
V knows the the dependency is more probably on Anderson Cooper.
^ Is dead wrong!!
< Misses Poly already!
< Knows that the next chapter of the Mary Sue Virus is far on its way to being posted.
V Can't wait to see who gets detention!
^ Is reading my mind again.
< Has too many plot bunnies at this time to start on something that involves flame throwers and dust bunnies
V Will take full responsibility for the flame thrower/dust bunny story
I am no longer allowed to give the people at MSN drugs before they decide on their news line up... (Badgers?? really?? On a hovercraft?? you're shitting me, right???)
^ Has a dust bunny sanctuary under her couch
< Has similar dust bunny situation, but is attempting to get them to do my bidding.
V Has a pesonal army of dust bunnies
Well, i suppose we can make an acception this one time. But no more werewolves... or vampires... or any form of the undead for that matter... they really bring a party down with all the blood sucking and brain-eating.