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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. I have... not as much fun as you might think. I have never watched an entire episode of Larry King Live
  2. Slowly but surely. At least I'm not covered in paint anymore. Sorry to hear about your tree. Nanaea?
  3. tight pants
  4. NHL Hockey (Go Oilers GO!)
  5. Indeed! How are you? Nanaea?
  6. ^ knows me far too well. < Has been following the Pluto situation only because she has recently developed a dependency on CNN V knows the the dependency is more probably on Anderson Cooper.
  7. Have you ever wondered how they get the caramel in the caramilk bar? Very very strong coffee
  8. nope. It's me! Nanaea?
  9. ^ Is dead wrong!! < Misses Poly already! < Knows that the next chapter of the Mary Sue Virus is far on its way to being posted. V Can't wait to see who gets detention!
  10. I am no longer allowed to say "I knew that"... (come on really? I'd totally fork over some cash to see "Badgers on a Hovercraft"!)
  11. Indeed! Haha! (I don't know where that "haha" came from...) Poly?
  12. ^ Is reading my mind again. < Has too many plot bunnies at this time to start on something that involves flame throwers and dust bunnies V Will take full responsibility for the flame thrower/dust bunny story
  13. I am no longer allowed to give the people at MSN drugs before they decide on their news line up... (Badgers?? really?? On a hovercraft?? you're shitting me, right???)
  14. Nope, it's me... dear gods are we online at the same time Poly? it's a miracle! Poly?
  15. ^ Has a dust bunny sanctuary under her couch < Has similar dust bunny situation, but is attempting to get them to do my bidding. V Has a pesonal army of dust bunnies
  16. I am no longer allowed to drink amaretto straight from the bottle.
  17. Could I borrow your fondue set for chocolate covered elves and such? Of course!
  18. nope. sorry. Nympho?
  19. mountains
  20. crossing
  21. Well, i suppose we can make an acception this one time. But no more werewolves... or vampires... or any form of the undead for that matter... they really bring a party down with all the blood sucking and brain-eating.
  22. Yes Melody, our awesomeness is astonishing! It's blinding! hmmmm.... alright, I'm done with the awesomeness thing... What do you want to do now?
  23. walls
  24. What is your new job title? I swear I didn't see it til I was almost on top of it.
  25. We're keeping it secret to... .... ummm.... werewolves?
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