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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. Yup it's me... Mike?
  2. Legend (movie)
  3. Undress
  4. Urban Cowboy (movie)
  5. (its not you... all roads lead to Snape...) Sexy
  6. Lost in Space (tv... not that crappy movie!)
  7. dungeon (uh-oh)
  8. Ooooh! That was smooth! Madapple?
  9. (Works for me!) Paradise City (song)
  10. Umbridge (damn it! Sorry...)
  11. Pepto
  12. Searching for Paradise (movie)
  13. Explosion
  14. Bobby's World (tv) (did I say no more Howie Mandel? )
  15. Centre
  16. I second your eep! Madapple?
  17. (yes yes... I know it well... my husband has a masters in classics.) Empire Records (movie)
  18. Not guilty. They're so similar to ours that I just spend them if they happen by. g/ng collects foreign currency
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