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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. Does this couch look good here? I have to admit, that's hot.
  2. *raises hand* yup. Trae?
  3. 3436 ()
  4. Still Life With Crows (book)
  5. Because you tell them. Why?
  6. Present. Trae?
  7. ^ Is wrong actually. < Cares alot about the politics of her own country, and the politics in other countries that affect her country. V Thinks that a good way to look at it.
  8. A Feast for Crows (book)
  9. Because being obvious gets you laid. Why?
  10. Those must be going around. Trae?
  11. (how did I know that one was going to pop up... pun totally intended! ) Wycillin
  12. Bittersweet Symphony (song)
  13. Because the obvious messaging doesn't work anymore. Why?
  14. How did you know? Trae?
  15. 3434 (woohoo double up! )
  16. Guilty... far too guilty. G/NG - Has over listened to a song
  17. Yup, isn't it always? Trae?
  18. I said... umm... something about testing... oh just scroll back up! Who's going to update next?
  19. 3432
  20. What would you say if I said I had an itch? Oooh! Creative!
  21. Vegas
  22. Me either cuz... I have never driven!
  23. Beloved (book)
  24. Because every life needs a soundtrack. Why?
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