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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. Lust
  2. Well, good night then. StoryJunkie?
  3. Because they were communists. Why?
  4. Sure. Someone's gotta watch my back! Is it going to be dangerous?
  5. Where does the quarter go? It cost more than that.
  6. 3458
  7. Tempt
  8. Who else? Trae?
  9. Because they never paid the heating bill. Why?
  10. Perfect! Who would want to explore with me?
  11. Whats in the small print on the Alan-Rickman-in-a-Box? I could if you ask nicely.
  12. Indeed. Trae?
  13. 3456 (And yet another! )
  14. Strip
  15. Workin' for the Weekend (song)
  16. Because someone invented vodka. Why?
  17. I wouldn't mind taking... a certain person, but I think Pherazen may be keeping him busy at the moment. How long winded was that answer?
  18. Are you talking about a pregnancy test?? Oh, that one!
  19. That's fantastic! Trae?
  20. 3454
  21. Falling
  22. My All (song)
  23. Because everyone lost their lighters. Why?
  24. I'll go. I'm not doing anything else right now. What might I find?
  25. Why can't they make a cough syrup that tastes good? Two weeks
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