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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. Because they used to be the stupid people. Why?
  2. Is that a mood condom? if its red, you're angry
  3. Pack
  4. Affirmative. Trae?
  5. I think SJ is mid update... Is there anything wrong with romance?
  6. Because they liked to feel smarter than everyone else. Why?
  7. Is my head going to explode if I keep having zero-g sex? Its glowing.
  8. Cookie
  9. 3466
  10. I don't really want to know. Are emoticons addictive?
  11. Because public schools didn't exist yet. Why?
  12. What kind of trip are we going on? Thats obvious.
  13. Roll
  14. Me too! Trae?
  15. 3464
  16. Teasing is always good! What's the big deal with lipstick?
  17. Should the spaceship crash? Pink is horrid.
  18. Hard
  19. Sorry... misread... *blush* Trae?
  20. Because they were a simple people. Why?
  21. 3462
  22. Nah... I got it. Is that scary?
  23. The dance begins. What kind of dance should it be?
  24. 3460
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