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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. Mighty
  2. Ghost Ship (movie)
  3. Lap
  4. Gaby Hoffmann
  5. Me either. Thank goodness. I have never been arrested.
  6. Guilty. G/NG - Has been hunting.
  7. ^ is right. < Is thrilled because "The Breakfast Club" is on tv this afternoon and it's not all editted! V Has never seen "The Breakfast Club"
  8. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am fairly sure that all it takes is one crappy teacher in ones youth.
  9. Beats me, I just got here. How is everyone doing today?
  10. Bills
  11. ^ Wasn't really interested in the weather talk. < Has lost interest in all this weather talk too. V Has a better topic of conversation.
  12. Ghost World (movie)
  13. Because they've been taught that ignorance is bliss. Why?
  14. Loop
  15. Ashley Simpson
  16. I have once or twice. Not often though. I have never been strip searched at the airport.
  17. Not guilty, most of the time. G/NG - Goes fishing.
  18. Oooh! Don't dabble Leonhart! Dive in head first! Its the only way to join the HP freaks around here. Believe me. I know! Oh and Welcome everyone! Enjoy the insanity!
  19. Happy Birthday, and all the best!
  20. First fire, then ice. What about you?
  21. Not guilty at all. They're useless, but not scary. G/NG - Has a fear of needles.
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