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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. Not guilty. You should know that by now. G/NG - Has kept a poinsettia alive from one Christmas to the next.
  2. Car
  3. Because she had a horrible secretary. Why?
  4. When All the Stars Were Falling (song)
  5. Letter
  6. Mikhail Rasputin
  7. Damn, there goes my plans for the evening. Red?
  8. ^ Hasn't experienced Calgary in the winter. < Knows the joys and sorrows of the Chinook. V Has no idea what < is talking about.
  9. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am of the same opinion on that one.
  10. Nope. Shoulf I be allowed to smack the hands of those who dare to rub my belly?
  11. Rush Hour
  12. No. I don't have a mirror when stupid people who don't know me decide to tell me that I'm doing something horribly wrong to my baby, or decide it's totally okay to touch my belly without asking. Why do people believe that it's their right to "enlighten" and touch pregnant women?
  13. Because she was very busy. Why?
  14. All By Myself (song)
  15. Entry
  16. Does that really matter?? Its the safety of small children we're talking about here, so I'd really rather be safe than sorry.
  17. Not in this particular case. Shouldn't a pregnant woman get some special treatment in some situations?
  18. Martial arts
  19. Fabian Cortez
  20. Not guilty. I spend a lot of time shaking my head and feeling sorry for you poor Americans. G/NG - Can name the current Prime Minister of Canada.
  21. Not in the slightest. Trae?
  22. Route
  23. I Drive Myself Crazy (song)
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