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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. Santa
  2. As are you! Red?
  3. ^ Will be disappointed. < Doesn't know who said it originally... but knows that Red Green said it on a pretty regular basis. V Doesn't want to admit to knowing who Red Green is.
  4. Because she had an obsession with owning every style in every color. Why?
  5. Nobody... nobody can eat fifty eggs. Have you tried?
  6. Money
  7. Yuppers. Red?
  8. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am admitting that there isn't really that much in there... and none of it's looking yummy.
  9. ^ Believes that growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional. < Thinks that those are wonderful words to live by. V Knows who said that originally.
  10. Because she was on her way to the shopping mall. Why?
  11. I don't know. Are eggs supposedly good or bad for us now?
  12. Travel
  13. Well, not quite full of baby yet... I have a few more months til that happens! Red?
  14. Girls Just Want to Have Fun (song)
  15. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am now going to search my freezer for something yummy.
  16. ^ Doesn't know what he's missing. < "When you grow up, your heart dies." V Doesn't believe that.
  17. Because they only pay attention about half the time. Why?
  18. Because we've all be programed to eat eggs and bacon and toast for breakfast. Why don't more people have eggs and bacon for dinner?
  19. Testicles
  20. I am here... full of... nothing yet. Red?
  21. Easy Rider (movie)
  22. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am considering what I want for lunch... I am not sure I have anything in the house that will work.
  23. ^ Has an impressive ability to quote wonderful movies! < Is fairly sure < could quote most of the movie. V Would love to help out with that.
  24. Because people will only listen to simple answers for so long. Why?
  25. Well, other than the puking, not too bad. Is chocolate cake a proper choice for lunch?
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