^ Is dead wrong!
< Is looking forward to the Guinness a day while breatfeeding thing... even if < isn't breastfeeding.
V thinks that's a horrible idea, drinking while breastfeeding, and is off to do some research on that one!
I think that people have an easier time imagining a two hour version of a book than they do with a whole season worth of tv. And there's also the idea of a book ending and a tv series going on for a very long time.
Can you work around that?
^ Has overblown ideas of how many kids < is going to have!
< Knows that the chances of having so many babies are definitely against me, but that's totally alright with me!
V Thinks that many multiple births would get someone in the Guinness Book of World Records
^ Has some good taste in music!
< Is not sure she wants to be watching the episode of Friends that she just came across... Its the one where Pheobe has the triplets.
V Says it won't be that bad cuz < is only having one, not three.
^ Is very handy I'm sure and that's not to say that ^ is not handsome...
< Just can't really know that.
< Is not handy at all... and is fairly sure that's why < had to get married!
V Thinks < is living into a stereotype