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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. Ummm... okay, an easy one. Cities A: Amsterdam
  2. Album
  3. Deer
  4. Nope, I'm fresh out of straight foward answers. Would you mind a slightly bent one?
  5. Because the elements tell us so. Why?
  6. ^ Is a suffering eater. < Is very excited to be going to Shakespeare in the Park tomorrow. V Has never really liked Shakespeare.
  7. Me either, but I didn't really try. I have never been able to fall asleep easily.
  8. Guilty on occasion I guess... G/NG - Has had to step back from the forums to curb their temper.
  9. A very happy birthday to you, and all the best!
  10. This is what I was saying! We (and I do mean everyone, male, female, whatever) as parents should have a choice! And whatever your personal decision, no one has the right to look down on you for it. If you stay home, it does not mean you are a slacker, or a leech or a sponge. Guess what, staying home isn't just sitting on your ass all day. I am a maid, a nanny, a chef, a personal shopper and about ten other jobs that I have to do on a day to day basis. And I don't get paid for it. And if I had chosen to go back to work, I'd still be here for my son as much as I possibly could be! Just because a parent is working, does not mean they are neglecting their child. My husband works, and he's still a fabulous father. *takes a deep breath* No one should have to defend themselves regarding their choice. No one.
  11. No, Eve you didn't say anything that discredited me at all! I was just sharing my opinion on the babysitter option. It wasn't your comments that have me upset.
  12. Warm
  13. Guilty. But it was so freakin' hot that turning on the stove would have caused the whole city to burst into flames. G/NG - Knows the take out places near their house by heart.
  14. Not this time. Jadwin?
  15. I have been to many, many, many concerts. In fact, my three month old saw two concerts in utero! (GnR and the Tragically Hip... we're sure he'll have fab taste in music when he gets older! ) I have never judged someone solely on their taste in music.
  16. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am wishing that I lived near NightScribe, because I would go along. I am hoping Jadwin enjoys MSV! I am back from feeding my baby, btw.
  17. See, Eve, I never really considered going back to work full time. I just don't want my son raised by babysitters. But then, that's just my opinion. If you're going to have children, you should be willing to sacrifice anything (even the all mighty career) for their well being. I am very sorry that your experience was so poor, I really am. But as someone who is staying home and isn't on welfare or, as you put it, leeching off of my husband, I'd hope that your experiences are the exception rather than the rule. Now, excuse me, I have to back away from this topic before I punch my wall.
  18. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am explaining that MSV stands for "the Mary Sue Virus" which is a parady story I'm writing about myself and three of the other mods getting stuck in a HP Mary Sue fic. I am pointing to the link in my sig!
  19. Sure is. Jadwin?
  20. Not guilty. G/NG - Has someone else in the house who will cook for them.
  21. I used to bartend... so yeah, I've been to one or two. I have never worked as a bouncer.
  22. See, the idea that stay at home moms get to sit on their butts and watch tv all day really pisses me off. Before I sit down for my daily computer time (which is usually interrupted by crying, or diaper issues or feedings) this house is spic and span, and dinner is on it's way to being ready, and I spend this time with my son in my lap, so between sentences, I'm playing rousing games of make-faces or tickle monster. I don't know though... am I an exception to the rule of stay at home parents?
  23. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am letting Leon know that catching up on MSV is very easy... some couples had sex, there's a evil plot going on... and then more sex.
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