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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. Guilty. And I blame Oprah. G/NG - Thinks that some people need to be smacked.
  2. I was supposed to go back this year (we've been every ten years since I was six.) but we're obviously going to wait now til the tiny one is old enough to truly enjoy it. I have never been to a Six Flags.
  3. Anchored
  4. Beach
  5. Did you want a straight forward answer?
  6. I was watching Oprah too, Leon, don't feel too bad about it. Here's the thing. I am a stay at home mom. I have chosen that. It means making sacrifices as we don't have two incomes anymore, but I want to stay home with my son. I don't think everyone should have to have things one way or the other, I think everyone should have a choice. I remember my mother (who was a feminist in the sixties and seventies) telling me that what women were fighting for back then was choice. The choice to be able to work outside the home, or the choice to stay home with your kids, or to work at home and do a bit of both. I think that's what everyone has lost sight of. I've had people look down on me because of my choice, and I wanted to smack them. Why am I less of a person because I chose to stay home? It used to be the other way around. What we all need to realze is that we are all working our poor little butts off, the only difference is where we're working our poor little butts off (oh, and I'm not being paid for the work I do). But, to some of these working moms, I'm a freaky fifties throw back, and a traitor to the feminist revolution. As for which is better for the child... well... I'll use an example to make my point. My mother stayed home with me (that would be the original feminist, she made her choice too), and I had a wonderful childhood. Most of my favorite memories are me and my mom baking, or playing or cleaning up. Now, one of my best friends, his mother also stayed at home with him and his sister, but there was a difference. She was physically there, but not really there. He doesn't ever remember playing with his mom, or helping her out in the kitchen or anything like that. So, as they said on the Oprah show, it's not about whether you're at home or not. It's about whether you're checked in with your family or not. "Well gee, Daz, if you're so checked in, why are you online right now?" Good question... I'll let Alexander answer that one... He doesn't feel like typing, but he stuck his tongue out at you. So there.
  7. I have one name complaint... The girl in X-Men who can't touch anyone and had a white streak in her hair is NOT named Rouge. It's R-O-G-U-E. "Rouge" is french for "red". Thank you, I'm done.
  8. Not in years, but I'm sure way back when, when I was young and had nothing better to do with my time and money... guilty. G/NG - Has more than one game system hooked up to their tv.
  9. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am trying to get some writing done... I am reporting that it's going pretty well. I am trying something different with the current MSV lemonfest.
  10. Me either. (Leon, there is nothing wrong with the country... I'm just a city mouse. I don't do mud and trucks and grass and such... I need a Starbucks and a mall nearby at all times. ) I have never liked other people's children.
  11. (why did that feel like a song cue?) I'd hammer all day long. If I were a song cue...
  12. Not guilty... but it does mean more mud and plants, and therefore me and my allergies are not into it. G/NG - Thinks life in the city automaticallly means nothing but concrete, traffic and smog.
  13. I think you may have! Leon?
  14. (Oh, I just have to do this!) Azalea Haverty
  15. Aid
  16. Outing
  17. Do you think you'll work better with a schedule?
  18. She hasn't found me either, yet... thank god! But now that I've posted this, I'm sure she'll show up sooner or later.
  19. Congrats ZD!
  20. Oh good god no. I am a city mouse, thank you very much. I have never liked being out in the country for longer than a few hours.
  21. Guilty. G/NG - Hates ranch dressing. (It's late, I'm tired, give me a break. )
  22. Me either. I have never lived in the rich part of town.
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