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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. How much are hints going for nowadays?
  2. Because they believe in informational freedom. Why?
  3. ^ Knows me so well! < Is wondering if ^ meant the drink or... V Is pretty sure ^ was talking about the drink.
  4. ... not guilty... did I ever go away?? G/NG - has plotted to take over the world.
  5. Dean Martin
  6. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am thinking there is a chance that I might be in bed by midnight. I am making my last post of the night to insure that happens.
  7. Sally Fields
  8. Railed
  9. Greens
  10. Nope. Just me again. Leon?
  11. Pretty Piece of Flesh (song)
  12. Me either. I have never been scared of needles.
  13. Hollywood - Madonna
  14. Do you think we could get this party to feel like a high school dance? Videos!!
  15. Because they can't keep a secret. Why?
  16. ^ Was expecting someone else. < Really enjoyed the play today, and also the margaritas afterwards. V Likes margaritas, but only the strwberry ones.
  17. Not guilty. G/NG - Has watched a movie today.
  18. Sounds good to me. C: Copenhagen
  19. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am wishing I could actually go, NightScribe. I am finally getting some time to sit down and have some "me" time. I am of course, spending it writing. I am also very glad that I do not live in scorpion country.
  20. Did you read the epilogue in Deathly Hallows? I swear she ripped it off.
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