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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. Nothing
  2. Ummm... it's not really a foreign language, because everyone here speaks it, but I learned english when I was five (it was Ukrainian before that.) I have never learned a language that wasn't spoken in the country I live in.
  3. Not guilty. I couldn't do that to a friend. G/NG - Has broken up a relationship.
  4. ^ Is making gross generalizations. < Notes that in alot of cases, those generalizations seem fairly true. V Is sure there's at least one or two people in Hollywood with a thought in their head.
  5. Nip
  6. That would be the definition. But does that drive have to only apply to other bunnies (ie puck bunnies [hockey groupies])?
  7. An illness... no. Cramps, hell yeah! I have never called in sick when I should have (I worked for two weeks with mono! )
  8. Severus Snape
  9. Taught (bravo horrorgal! )
  10. Guilty... long long ago in *gasp* high school! G/NG - Has had someone confess feelings for them that they didn't return.
  11. I have... for far too long as well! I have nevr liked flying.
  12. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am soooo tired. I am a little miffed because hubby came home at three am last night after going to the casino with his brother. I am admitting that had he not come home with an extra couple hundred bucks, I'd probably be a bit more upset.
  13. X-Men: Evolution (tv show... *shudder*)
  14. Sounds that way. What the difference between a plot bunny and a ski bunny?
  15. Ben Affleck
  16. ^ Knows me better than that! < Always reviewed the book... and if that didn't do it, I'd watch the movie, but the book was always first. V Never reviewed the movie.
  17. Happy birthday! All the best!
  18. Yeah! I'm not the only one! Leonhart, I'll see you at the victory party! We'll trade notes!
  19. How'd you know!? Red?
  20. Not guilty. Yikes... G/NG - Has an unnatural fear of dentists.
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