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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. ^ Isn't a fan of limits. < Doesn't enjoy them either, but in this case, it would make life easier. V Thinks this is more a personal limit as everyone will have a very different perspective.
  2. Henry Jekyll
  3. Study
  4. Ummm.... well... yeah. I'm not proud of it, but yeah. G/NG - Has been called "too nice".
  5. Why do you think I'm evading the question?
  6. Who else? Trae?
  7. River
  8. ^ Has a common problem. < Has actually gotten at least one or two chapters ahead of herself in her brain. V Hasn't taken it that far.
  9. Sean Bean
  10. Earth
  11. Guilty when it comes to people... not guilty about the clothes though. G/NG - Knows what all the washing instruction symbols on clothes mean.
  12. No, not really. Are we ignoring the importance of muscles?
  13. Wanted Dead of Alive (song)
  14. Indeed. Trae?
  15. Neither
  16. ^ Is interesting enough. < Is actually more on the look out for my muse than anything else... *curses the plot bunnies again* V Never gets ahead of himself while writing.
  17. Betty Boop
  18. Play
  19. Not guilty... unless the problems are really simple silly ones. G/NG - Is a computer hero.
  20. Ummm... the ones in ears are pretty cool. Do you know of a better bunch of bones?
  21. That's correct. Trae?
  22. Me either... don't think I would either. I have never been a strong swimmer.
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