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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. Get Well Soon (movie)
  2. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am ready to go on a plot bunny murder spree... but... I am aware that they are really useful plot bunnies, they're just showing up too early for me to deal with them properly. I am wondering where I can get a good sized cage in which to keep them until I need them.
  3. Glen Miller
  4. Not guilty. Never really needed to. G/NG - Has a more interesting way to make themselves more comfortable speaking in public.
  5. Ginger
  6. *picks up phone and tries to arrange for a home birth* That is absolutely terrifying! I can not believe something so horrible could happen at a time when this poor woman should be so happy!
  7. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am suspecting that I am not going to get anything productive done today.
  8. I have, actually, that I'm pretty good at! I have never pre-ordered a movie online.
  9. Angelina Johnson
  10. Graduate
  11. Actually... I did quite a bit of professional theatre in my youth. So yeah. G/NG - gets stage fright.
  12. Of course not! What else is fun if you take your time about it?
  13. Alive (movie/book)
  14. Actually... yes. Trae?
  15. Rooster
  16. ^ Wasn't listening! < Has gone way past her own limits... but will find a way around this problem, eventually. V Knows the short cut around such a problem.
  17. Nicole Kidman
  18. Teach
  19. Guilty, back in high school when such things were just another part of the drama. G/NG - Has never been a fan of the drama.
  20. No. Would that answer have saved us alot of time in the first place?
  21. Yuppers. Trae?
  22. Rider
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