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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. Christopher Lee
  2. I just had to share this quiz a friend sent me! Where in Hogwarts should you have sex? Apparently, for me, under the quidditch stands is a good bet... hmmm... convenient!
  3. Done
  4. Sweep
  5. Mop
  6. Hug
  7. I don't think it has... Sally Field
  8. Tug
  9. Flow
  10. I have. Yum. I have never had a taste for cheap tequila.
  11. Leroy Brown
  12. I've never heard of that one, so I won't even venture a guess. What is that law all about?
  13. ^ Is wrong. < Is drinking tea right now V Is not a fan of black tea.
  14. Not guilty. I can't donate blood. G/NG - Hasn't donated blood because they are afraid of needles.
  15. Dance
  16. Farm
  17. I just have to say... NINJA!! yes I know it was a while back, but still! Trae?
  18. Night
  19. Not guilty... it hurts the belly muscles, and they have enough to do! G/NG - Has given a medical professional shit for something.
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