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Sin Acies

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Everything posted by Sin Acies

  1. Sin Acies

    I Am...

    I am thinking you'll probably regret that in the morning, lol. I am thinking I'll probably end up sleeping until noon!
  2. I will *never* be domestic; s'just not in my nature. I have never jumped off a roof into a pool.
  3. Guilty! And it's usually ruined by then! G/NG - went mailbox bashing.
  4. Right again- you *must* be psychic! Daz?
  5. Sin Acies

    I Am...

    I am wondering what timezone Daz is in, cause it's ten till two here.
  6. Then how would you know where the friendly girl in the bar was legal or not?
  7. Sin Acies

    I Am...

    I am grateful to have you back!
  8. ^ would be very scared if there was no escape route. < is freaked out by creepy kids in movies V is probably more into action flics.
  9. Cruel To Be Kind by the Raincoats
  10. Yay! And please call me Sin. And I bet Daz will get it this time to.
  11. Because, secretly, we all wish to wipe our people off the plant. Why?
  12. ^ is so right about me thinking it's a good i.d.! < is too stubborn to go to sleep. V is easily scared of horror flicks.
  13. Sin Acies

    I Am...

    I am hoping Daz comes back or I'll just get bored all over again, lol. I am happy Daz liked his compliment.
  14. Aren't the "Ms" girls older and the "Miss" girls still really young?
  15. Not guilty, surprisingly, especially since I write slash. G/NG - put the milk/soda/etc. in the cabnet or microwave without thinking about it?
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