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Sin Acies

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Everything posted by Sin Acies

  1. Damn, nope. Melody (we're caaaaalling you)
  2. ^ Has a brilliant suggestion about the testing. < Is willing to help candy-coat, chase, catch, and, um . . . play with the elves. V Can maybe tell us where we can find some elves?
  3. Not guilty. Buy/collect things you have no use for and no place to store.
  4. Because it is impossible to function without coffee. Why are we here?
  5. Because you can have cherries on top! What came first- the chicken or the egg?
  6. Tried it, but it didn't work. Encouraged everyone at a party to draw in permanent marker on the body of the first person to pass out?
  7. Guilty- but only a *few* . . . really! Tells small children classic fairy tales with altered and questionalbe endings.
  8. Because god really *does* hate you. *Why* does god hate us?
  9. Guilty . . . many *many* times over. Is sometimes purposfully controversial just to wind people up.
  10. ^ Obviously needs more elves in daily life, candy-coated or otherwise. < Wonders if we can call them the "Anti-Kebbler Elves". V Probably thinks I'm insane and has a better suggestion.
  11. Because of people like me. Why am I addicted to these forum games?
  12. dubbed the Master of Cocks. And with this new authority _________.
  13. Neither have I. I have never cut my own grass.
  14. I am no longer allowed to use the words "Trust me" in a serious manner.
  15. 2267 (lol, I'd have rather had the last one)
  16. Mostly shounen ai/yaoi, though I'm still pretty shy about posting any lemons.
  17. Reading, writing, watching anime and AMVs. But I also love the smell of fresh cut grass and the feel of rain on your face. I love to watch lightening storms and I love the way you can sometimes *feel* the thunder. My first cup of coffee in the morning when everyone else is still asleep. Windchimes. Fireflies. Above all else- my family.
  18. Hello~ I'm not sure if I'm exactly 'new', but I haven't posted much at all. Let's see my name is Sin Acies (SinAcies) on AFF.net and everywhere else I post. I'm a yaoi/slash addict and have been for *years*. I'm not even entirely sure I could write a het fic at this point; yuri, maybe, but . . . Eh, I'm all about the boy love! It's probably classified as an obsession by this point. I can barely watch a movie without slashing it as I watch it and anime, well as far as I'm concerned all bishounen (pretty boys) are meant to be together! I write fanfics mostly because my head would explode if I tried to keep them all caged up in there and I'll read practically anything I can get my hands on. I have a sort of hatred for anime chics so they rarely feature very highly in anything I write (if they make an appearance at all, that is). I very rarely watch tv at all, though I make exceptions for both "Avatar: the Last Airbender" and "Danny Phantom". I won't watch an anime unless it's sub-titled for a plethora of reasons, so no Toonami (or whatever they're calling it now) for me. Besides, I have a personal vendetta against them for what they've done to "Trigun", "Ruruoni Kenshin", and "FMA". But that's just me. I love to debate! I don't care what the topic is or which side of the argument you're on, I'll debate with you even if I, personally, agree with what you're saying. And I've found nothing that squicks me so no worries there. I'm nearly impossible to offend. And I think I've gone on about me *far* longer than I intended to, so I'm going to say goodbye now. ~Sin
  19. Sin Acies

    Favourite Pairings

    Oh the *possibilities*! But I'll just go with my top picks. Yaoi: NarutoxSasuke, NarutoxGaara, NarutoxNeji (and any threesomes or moresomes so long as Naruto's in there), KakashixIruka Yuri: SakuraxIno (I'm not much into yuri) Het: NejixHinata, LeexSakura Then there are a *whole bunch* of non-con pairing . . . but that'd be a *really* long list. So many bad guys, so many bishounen! ~Sin
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