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Sin Acies

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Everything posted by Sin Acies

  1. Hi, I'm Sin Acies, please just call me Sin. I'm Sin Acies on every site I post to, so that simples things up a bit. I write yaoi, pretty much exclusively, with the occasional gen. fic thrown in to set *up* for future yaoi. Nothing against yuri or het, I'm just addicted to the boy-love! I could list all the fandoms I've written fics for, but since they very rarely get typed and posted (cause there's just no *time*!) I'll just mention the ones I *have* posted fics for. Weiss Kreuz (Yohji/Aya fovever!) and Avatar: the Last Airbender (Aang/Zuko). I have *no* idea how I got so insanely tangled up in that cartoon, but it seems I'm stuck there. My Weiss fics tend to go all dark and angsty, cause it's *Weiss* and the Avatar fics are shaping up to be pretty dark to because, let's face it, Zuko was just *made* for the darker side of fanfiction. Here's one thing I don't get, though. When did I fall outta the loop? What's all this Kataang and Zutara crap? What happened to semixuke or at least the character's entire name? And OTP? The hell's that about? I've been reading/writing fanfiction for something like a decade . . . OMG! I'm a yaoi fanfic *veteran*! LOL. Well, that's basically all I can think to say this early in the morning. I love to swap ideas and chat. I honestly appreciate constructive criticism, so don't fear to lemme have it. Oh! And the more I get poked, the more I'm inclined to update, so if you just happen to fall into the category of wanting me to write more, please let me know! It's great for inspiration and does wonders for my mood! ~Sin
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