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Everything posted by marley_station

  1. Sasuke and Naruto decide to add a weasel/human hybrid to their ranks in Mannah Pierce's latest chapter of Iteration. http://naruto.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600102813&chapter=19

  2. I'm running late, and yet I have to read the final chapter of Darkprism's Undercurrents again. I am so hooked on that fanfic. http://naruto.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600102185

  3. A great old one was updated this week. "Triptych" has been updated with a new chapter that you don't want to miss. The author's last chapter was a cliffhanger and this one stirs the pot something fierce! If you are a fan of Naruto x Gaara x Sasuke, please go and read this fic! http://naruto.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600005334

  4. That is typically an indication that the fic has been deleted. Are you aware of that author having profiles on any other sites? deviantArt, Livejournal, etc.? If we can locate the author then we may be able to find the fic you are looking for in another location.
  5. That would be Night in South Beach, written by Kimya. Great fic.
  6. That's Sasuke's Kitty-Valentine, written by Ventus: http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600096266 That's on my recommended reading list. Great story!
  7. When I'm trolling AFF and I come across anything in the summary that looks even remotely similar to "canon x OC" as the main pairing I automatically assume that the writer of the fic has elected to Mary Sue herself into the canonverse. Oh Lord, spare us! Then I check to see how many reviews there are, and I am NEVER surprised when there's a big fat honking goose-egg there. See, here's the thing: it isn't as though I can read a fic with a Mary Sue OC and pretend that character is me if the character was fashioned after the writer (or anyone the writer knows, for that matter). If she had written a fic with a "canon x canon" main pairing using characters that she most identified with and then made them OOC, that's one thing; I'll read the fic and never know the difference. But I will never be able to relate to an OC in a "canon x OC" main pairing fanfic (unless I know the writer well, which I don't 99% of the time). They are not part of the canonverse. And frankly, if a writer needs to insert herself as a character into a fic then why doesn't she write an original fic? To me, inserting herself into someone else's canonverse is an indication of a distinct and utterly disappointing lack of imagination. Writing a Mary Sue OC into canonverse in a fanfic is fine with me. Publishing it, however, is another matter. Publishing it and then expecting the same feedback that a writer receives from a fic with a "canon x canon" main pairing? Come on, give me a break...
  8. Yes. That is precisely what it is. They come in sizes to 64GB (I think) and I have never heard of one crapping out on anyone, so storing your fan fiction backup on one of those is a smart idea.
  9. "The writer wished to remain anonymous"? I smell a rat.
  10. Your candor is refreshing...and entertaining.
  11. Seems to me that you were flamed. Should this be brought to the moderators' attention?
  12. OMFG how do you "accidentally" repeatedly steal work from others and pass it off as your own?! Is this some manifestation of kleptomania, or just narcissism at its ugliest? Either way, why on earth would you do it again and again ON THE SAME WEB SITE?!
  13. Well, stealing someone else's work practically GUARANTEES a win. It's karma at it's finest. She seems happy in her photograph. How can she be smiling about winning something she knows in her heart she didn't win?
  14. This image: http://kyuubi1010.deviantart.com/art/Gaara-Waiting-122738087 Inspired this fanfic: http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600101433
  15. I LMAO at the ones who act indignant when they get caught and blame the mods for being uptight and unreasonable. How is it that they do not know that if YOU GUYS are caught harboring minors on the site the WHOLE ENCHILADA gets shut down?! I guess it's like that with young people and authority, they never listen and everything is always about THEM...
  16. Bathroom Smut Ibiki/Iruka: http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600091945 Enjoy.
  17. If the author is IvvyMoon then the answer is no. She has removed herself from the fandom at large.
  18. For Your Entertainment by Adam Lambert.
  19. The author of those fics has left the fandom and deleted her account. If they are available anywhere else, then I am not aware of it.
  20. Well, I've never written one in canonverse. Pleased to meet you and best of luck.
  21. Anko/Kiba. Anko doesn't get nearly enough love in fanfiction. Is this to be canonverse or AU?
  22. The Values of Trust and Happiness is written by Nanaki Lioness. http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3883666/1/The_...t_and_Happiness
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