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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/29/2015 in all areas

  1. magusfang

    Magusfang's Corner

    Think of it as a really bad disney ride...
    2 points
  2. Does that go for women too?
    1 point
  3. angeldust

    Magusfang's Corner

    I guess that adds a whole new meaning to shake it up baby, huh? Hope you & your's are safe Samara, keep us posted. Bet it didn't postpone your exams though, huh?
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. magusfang

    Magusfang's Corner

    Hmmmmm, I wouldn't bet against it
    1 point
  6. Jashley13

    She is the One

    Hey everyone! Reality Check time - The move-in of Tara's family is almost exactly like how most moves within my family went. My dad was in the Navy, on subs, so we moved quite a bit so I have many memories of moving around with help from the family. - There are not words powerful to describe how much I loathe 'Want U Back' by Cher Lloyd. I think she's an absolutely despicable artist, not just for the song...although the song itself is pretty heinous in ways that get my blood boiling. - Jack's talk with his dad is very similar to how talks with my dad usually go: we both admit that we know we're not going to change the other's mind but at the very least, we can come to a middle ground of understanding. - Jack's talk with Paul about Man of Steel mirrors almost every conversation I've had with people about the film (I love the movie, think it's just as good as The Avengers, and I don't really get a lot of the criticisms against it...but that's just me). - Rhona...I don't wanna say too much about her but she's drawn from two girls I've known in my life, both of whom did not know each other but who were eerily similar. Again, don't wanna give too much away, but I'm actually kind of excited to have her in the story. That's all for right now. Starting Chapter 31 soon so hopefully that should move right along Provided life cooperates, of course
    1 point
  7. magusfang

    Magusfang's Corner

    Already have a thousand word written, Kara goes back to school, long scene
    1 point
  8. magusfang

    Magusfang's Corner

    i've been thinking Snakes In The Grass, but Liking Shadows In The Grass a lot. Well as long as AFF doesn't pull a rule outta there collective butt...I'll be here a while, I like this place. Oh, and suddenly the age limit seems to have gone the way of the Dodo on the site that shall not be named... See a lot of new stories with underage characters...ok off my soapbox
    1 point
  9. Joe Long

    She is the One

    I hope jashley doesn't mind, I'm not trying to hog his forum, and I will post my story here at this site one of these days if I ever figure out AFF well enough. Mine is another of the stories driven off the blue site by the under-18 Nazis. I had written a few stroke stories over the years at a few different sites, but reading "She Is the One" and "Being More Social" and unteracting with their authors compelled me to write my own semi-autobiographical serial erotica. I've been busy with real life the last few months, but I have the story outlined to the end and am still writing, off and on. http://storiesonline.net/s/10846/one-thousand-apologies
    1 point
  10. magusfang

    Magusfang's Corner

    ok, planned a them vs us sort of thing, no moles this time; but i have the book sort of set up with six seperate story lines that all converge at the end... chapter 63 more of an epilog chapter really; i still have a couple of little plot lines to resolve plus the cliffhangers...yep plural and it'll probably be short like 61... of course i have said that before...what can i say, i can't be trusted and i wont say there won't be five or six chapters still because i honestly don't know until i start writing lol I have this patch, not I have it, not that old, but I have on in my collection. So anywho, I have started on 63 and hopefully can get it out soon, then I want to bang out a chapter or two of Northstar...maybe finish that one...though I doubt it I do want to get closure in at least one of my serials, I feel like I'm neglecting children here LOL
    1 point
  11. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Some things I love about Joe's writing. Doing these as a serial, with those of us in the peanut gallery making comments along the way - I admire and enjoy how he can slip things into the story without hitting you over the head with it, and making it a perfectly normal part of the story. For example "We’re young, damn it. I don’t buy into the whole ‘once you get married, sex stops’ thing but I sure as shit am not ready to be so old that ‘real life’ responsibility gets in the way of intimate times with my girlfriend." When I was 17 I swore I'd never get fat either. Sex as a married couple was good through our 20's and 30's as well, but things slowed down in the 40's and now is virtually non-existent in our 50's. I have to read about Jack plowing Kayla like a cornfield to get it up so that I can fill a kleenex. I know there were others, but that related to a comment I had made. And more seriously (and why these chapter can end up ar over 30k words) is how good Joe is at describing the detail in a scene. Many of my scenes were written from actual events that I remembered and trancribed. Then I come here and marvel at everything I had missed, how well Joe sets the scenes in describing the expressions, sounds, smells, whatever, that make the scenes so rich. It is professional quality writing.
    1 point
  12. angeldust

    Magusfang's Corner

    Okay everybody start worrying, when he reached #62 on BITG he left "brand x" and had to track him down to here to find out what happened in Chapter 63. I am off to read 62 here and have set my hound on his scent, just in case.
    1 point
  13. Jashley13

    She is the One

    Welcome back, Chester! Don't give up on the nurse! Pursue that love, man!
    1 point
  14. BigMan7307

    She is the One

    When I screwed up as a kid.... I got my ass whooped, I learned real quick the consequences of messing up. Not abused, disciplined, huge difference. In this day and age, sadly, if you look at your kid cross-eyed they can turn you in for abuse. What's worse, most of the ones writing these inane laws probably got spanked as kids, and learned from it. Not saying there aren't parents that don't go overboard, but, 99.9% of kids would be a lot better off if parents were allowed to actually be the guiding force in their life instead of t.v., video games, and sure as hell, the government. Spare the rod, spoil the child. Spend time with your kids, learn about them, most of them feel like they're alone and no one understands them. News flash kids, chances are, what you're going through, your parents did, maybe not exactly, but similar enough to empathize as well as help. Don't discount that times are different, yes, technology has changed some things, but, a bully is a bully whether online or in person.
    1 point
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