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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/19/2015 in all areas

  1. Guest

    harry/lucius slave fic

    Hi I am looking for a specific story. This is where Harry is a slave for Lucius Malfoy. Severus is also a slave, but to Voldemort. Harry ends up pregnant, because Narcissa wants another child and slips a potion into Harry's tea. Harry runs away with daughter. He gets a job as a stripper (maybe) or a pole dancer or something to this effect. Please let somebody recognize the story. Harry also has a tattoo symbolizing ownership.
    1 point
  2. MajorMarioc

    Magusfang's Corner

    Yeah samara why sent you bugging him for updates makeing us do all your hard work Update please sooooooooo board
    1 point
  3. angeldust

    Magusfang's Corner

    Boy she's getting as behind as fangface in her job.
    1 point
  4. Rescue25

    Magusfang's Corner

    @Samara Time for you to do your chain rattle. B
    1 point
  5. magusfang

    Magusfang's Corner

    He's spending all his time at Wagner's house...hmmm, I wonder if she has him tied up in the basement
    1 point
  6. You know my idea, Vlad, aliens, area 51, vampire space pirates
    1 point
  7. Guest


    looking for a snape fic where he does it with a bunch of students while he is a professor, female students only. any help would be appreciated
    1 point
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