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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/27/2010 in all areas

  1. dude I'm so glad you just have the brains to figure out for yourself that Arthas just made a freakin' surgical strike. I mean, the dude's on a goddamn timetable here, you know? he's got a motherfuckin' ARCHdaemon to summon, and he can't dick around in Silvermoon! much less, I mean, fucking A, it's the race of the oldest, wisest, most powerful magic users in the entire world (save for perhaps the friggen' naga and/or blue dragonflight). really? a bunch of bones and rotmonsters just steamrolled them all? ALL of them? much less the logistical fallout of having an ENTIRE RACE of the said most powerful magic users in the world suddenly at ones beck and call! I mean, god damn, NO ONE would have survived! every elf that dies gets risen, and even the ones that explode themselves or torch their bodies could just get called back as ghosts! I mean, geez, by that point they should have enough troops to just form a solid line and march through the woods and catch every single safehold and straggler left! no, I mean, to me the idea of a fast-ass surgical strike is just so cool. Sylvanas is floored by the traitors that opened the elfgates/gave Arthas the crystals, so instead of the guerrilla war she was planning she suddenly has to race her entire army ahead of a force that never needs to rest, never needs to stop or get tired. the elves simply aren't prepared to fight an enemy who's sole tactic is "just ball up and roll over everything" so Arthas is able to get right to the Sunwell, birth Kel'Thuzad, and then before the huge line of elves behind him closes ranks and cuts him off, he races back to Lorderan. sooo cool! so smart! so like, full of tactics and a BRAIN instead of "DERP A DERR, I'm AWthas, I'm a bwoody woooody bitch!" ugh yeah, you do have a point though. lawlz, blizz really is, well, stupidly fond of that kind of bullshit. and the fucking high elves, god. you know, I really wish they'd get someone, just anyone with a brain, to go back to the OLD stuff, where there were factions within factions, you know? like, back to that "we don't hate Theramore, they're alright, but we do hate Stormwind, and we don't like the night elves but the tauren do" kinda stuff. I was reaally disappointed with Quel'lithen though, dude. I loved that place when it was one little bit of green and sweetness in the gross blight-zone of EPL, but now everything else is greener, healthier, prettier than that place, and then to boot they fucked it up. and honestly, you know I was going to enter the writing contest this year, after seeing how fucking cool the one from last year was, but like... after seeing what they did to Quel'lithin, AFTER this person put such a fucking shitload of effort into make the place rock, it was... it just seemed to me like it was slap right across the face. you know what I mean? hah, for me, I'd be like "look, fuck your shitty collecter's Frostmourne sword and the tour, just don't shit on the creative effort I put forth for you guys." there's not bad blood between the elves and the dwarves, but it states like, everywhere, that the two races are not at all fond of each other. the elves like the wildhammer, because the wildhammer are naturalistic like they are, but for the most part the just don't particularly care for them (at least, the ironforge/dark iron ones, which are the ones that make up the alliance and alliance enemies, anyways). there's no first war enmity for the orcs, and while there should be a LOT of second war enmity, apparently it's all just "they burned some forests and attacked Windrunner Spire" now so like... ? who knows how much that deserves to still be around. and I really wish they'd show the huge number of elves that should be a part of the Forsaken too. like, actually using more banshee models, more male undead elves, for magic trainers, for... for well, everything appropriate! but especially for the forsaken in the Ghostlands, but that would just be bomb-all cool. it doesn't say anything like that about elven rangers though? not at that link. the first lines are even like "Many dark rangers are former banshees. The difference is dark rangers have regained their physical bodies, thus possessing greater powers" with the one "known" exception being Nathanos, who never entered that incorporeal state (maybe because he's human, and it's harder for the not-very-spiritual humans to become ghosts, compared to elves?). haha, anyways, a nitpicky point I think that there are "hunters" and there are "rangers" and a Ranger is a Hero Class, whereas a hunter is just a dude with a gun or a bow. they don't actually have any plant skills, no wilderness lore. they can survive well, and interact well with animals, and have an excellent shot, BUT they also have melee skills and can't like, say, glide through the forest with ease because every tree is telling them where to go and what to do. know what I mean? so then like, a ranger if they die, will become a dark ranger. a hunter is just a boring ol' hunter. or... yeah... haha anywho. yeah, the whole like the dreadlords say about "her heart is still elven" is SO COOL. I mean, like, god damn you know? she's smart. she's dead, not retarded. she can still think for herself. but, you know, sera sera. Blizz can't write a strong woman without turning her into a psychotic bitch so what do you expect. and Garrosh... *shudders in revulsion* ish. ish, ish, eww. god, his head looks like his shoulders blew a bubble dude. I can't imagine how anyone could possibly think that drooling nancyboy little bitch is at all attractive. you first meet him in Outlands and he's too busy suckin' dick to speak, and then you see him in Northrend where he has single-handedly failed the entire horde advance. and then he throws a tantrum about it! a little tantrum! where he runs all over his stupid little map and smashes the scourge figurines! gah. what a pussy. a sobbing, whiney pussy. he's honestly as gross to me as any of the whiney cuntboy ukes in the ten-thousand yaoi stories out there. blech. Thrall and Jaina needed to happen so freakin' badly though. and now it never will, because Blizz has their heads up their butts and thinks that people will take to this stupid orc bitch who wants Thrall to change his name because "that's his slave name" and they totally don't like each other but oh they come to like each other eventually. ugh. I hate it when they just introduce characters like that, you know, to like, tie up loose ends and shit. Lor'themer? coulda been badass, but no appearances in the game, doesn't do anything, and the one time he doesn't he acts like an absolute tard. or, at least is treated like one. pfft, god. and I really like to think of Satyrs as the slutty striperific version of those female-only races. a better idea would to be to make males as sexy, pretty, and interesting as the slutty females that are in the game already! anyways, actual point we were discussing: I can see what you mean too. to me it just reeks too much of that blood elf ideology bullshit, which I just toss out the window because it makes no sense (and i mean, really, mind control is a CHANNELED spell! it doesn't work like that!). to me, there's no reason to assume that there would be derision between the nature side of the elves and the magic side (just as there's no reason to assume that the Blood Knights, martial and militaristic, would look with derision on the ranks of their own army when the point is that they're at least serving as opposed to either not serving or else being wretched or something. I mean, there's a point where, when you have the rest of the world to look down upon because no other race is so pretty, so perfect, so enlightened as you, there's no real point in frowning at one of your own, you know? because at least they're an elf, and not a filthy, mongrel human/dwarf/goblin/troll/etc haha or not. whatever. anyways for the druidic thing, you should look up the article on the high-elf druid-magi. I dunno if it's still up, or where it is even (what with the split in the wowpedia versus wowwiki bullshit) but I thought that painted a much more appropriate picture of the high elf view, that being any force is just natural, acceptable part of the world, no better or worse than any other. and the whole point of the rangers having going and still staying with the high elves in the first place is that magic is an accepted, loved, and totally awesome part of their society. I dunno, I'm not saying scrap the idea I just like debating it with you!
    1 point
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