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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/16/2024 in all areas

  1. Thank you for speaking up for the story while I was taking a break. It’s weird to think I started this fic in 2016 and it’s been 8 years. I must admit it fell off the back burner sometime in late 2021 yet here we are, three years later, and I’m fighting with the 19th chapter while the 20th is already planned. Speaking as a reader, writers returning to their fics after years of hiatus makes my day, and there are several fics last updated before 2018 that I still hope will have a new chapter someday. Life happens.
    1 point
  2. That’s presumptuous. It’s a six year project so far, the muse will ebb and flow, not to mention real life will intrude. Sure, a few months since the last chapter post, but she’s (fairly) recently commented. If it had been years...maybe then consider that label. However, even then, projects have a way of coming back to life. Even my potter fanfic had … trying to remember if it was six or ten YEARS to that hiatus before I returned to it. Know of another that’s resurfaced too after a decade.
    1 point
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